Losing weight for the military

How yalls doin? Well my name is Jesse and im tring to lose weight to join the Navy. Right now I weigh in at 282 and my neck measurement is 17.5 inches and my waist is 49 inches sadly. I know I have to lose at least 20-30 lbs and lose about 7-9 inches off my waist but keep my neck size. Im trying to enlist by tape and not the weight standard. I need some good advice for healthy but stomach fulling recipes. I workout 2x a day 6x a week. Im doin the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred in the mornin and the C25k in the after noon. Start the runnin last week and the 30ds yesterday. My main concern is losing my dam belly fat. Sorry to be so long in this post im a talker. I could use all the support and motivation that I can get.


  • Azchange
    Azchange Posts: 110 Member
    I'm enlisted in the National Guard. I started at 292, and dropped to 180 to enlist a couple years ago. Feel free to message. If you are working out as much as you say you are, make sure you eat a lot. The military will always be there. Don't try to drop to much to fast. You WILL need the muscle. Eat healthy, eat often. Check out my diary for ideas. (I don't log my workouts).

    Use the military as motivation, but know it has nothing to do with your weightloss efforts.