No really - this time I will lose weight

OK - so yes, I joined MyFitnessPal a while back, did it for a few months, and then got distracted. Whoops.

With an impending wedding in October, I'm hoping this will help motivate me to finally lose the 30 pounds I gained while attending graduate school.

Would be great to get some friends so I can stay motivated here! I am encouraging, I am a runner (just completed the NYC half marathon this past Sunday in 2:13), and I'm trying to stay away from my office's 3(!) candy bowls. Help me and I'll help you back!


  • jessmarionrai
    jessmarionrai Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Was pretty constant on MFP for the better part of a year, lost 30+ lbs, started running, ran my first 5K, and now here I am, 30+ lbs heavier and hoping to try again.

    Best of luck to you on this new start!!
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Same boat here too! Been on MFP in the past but used it half heartedly. In it for the long haul now. I am also a runner... 5ks 10ks, 10 milers, half marathons and one marathon. Would be nice to finally get this extra 20-30lbs off and run on lighter feet. Feel free to add me...more the merrier in this journey. :happy:
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    Same thing here!
    Used MFP for a while a couple years ago but it definitely was not the awesome tool it is today.
    I FINALLY have the REAL motivation and want to do it for ME.
    I'm no runner (yet!) but I'm improving each day (I can now go for a whole 6 minutes now! Yay!)
    Although I'm sure that doesn't compare to you guys! Lol. I see 5K's in my future though!
    Just looking for some friends for motivation because I know some days I will probably hit that "I don't wanna today" slippery slope and that is the last thing I want.

    We'll motivate each other! Let's get it goin'!
  • LillithM
    LillithM Posts: 17 Member
    Haha. I did mfp for about two weeks and gave up a couple years ago, but now I am more serious. So close to my goal. I'd love to add some friends for inspiration too!
  • KimmerG
    KimmerG Posts: 2 Member
    I feel the same way. I start and stop so many times it is ridiculous. I start nursing school in the fall and really want to be back at the pre-baby weight by then. FYI: my youngest is almost 4 so I really shouldn't call it baby weight anymore.

    Good Luck!
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I don't hold a candle to you guys athletically but.... I'm funny!! :) I log in every day, make my bad choices public (ate checkers today) and I motivate the best that I can.. :) Oh, and I have lost 59 pounds since 2009, 33 of that THIS year :)
  • Ashleybrooke8783
    Ashleybrooke8783 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm also getting married in October:) congrats.
    I lost 40 lbs using myfitnesspal in late 2012, then found out I was pregnant. I continued using it throughout my entire pregnancy in maintenance and then switched it to gain a pound a week during second trimester. Having all those extra calories made it hard for me to go back to a deficit when I started back up after I had my daughter. Took some time off & packed on some pounds. I did three months on weight watchers and didn't really get anywhere, so now I'm back here with a fresh profile and perspective
    Good luck to all of you, from my experience as long as you keep going through the first big losses and push past -20 pounds, it becomes a part of life
  • xnancyelizabeth
    xnancyelizabeth Posts: 22 Member
    I had the same problem was doing really well, got distracted from healthy eating and exercise especially when I started college, I logged in for the first time in months 4 days ago and I'm extremely determined to lose weight for my holiday at Greece next year (I'd love to wear a bikini) but also so I'm ready for a 12 mile walk in less than a month which I'm totally unprepared for! I have added you :-) hope you don't mind!