George Foreman Grill Recipes?

winterpalm Posts: 12 Member
Just wondering if anyone has any great recipes for the George Foreman grill? I love mine for cooking chicken breasts and grilled peppers but haven't gotten too creative yet. I'd love any new ideas!


  • sarahwilson12
    sarahwilson12 Posts: 70 Member
    Ooh... sounds like a great idea. Bumping this for later :smile:
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    sorry pretty much just use mine for grilling meats

    but i have seen posts that people use it like a panini grill - I am going to try this one day as I am pretty sure it will work
  • hdlewis82
    Coincidentally my last dish was chicken grilled and it was praised much.. Want to know
  • kellyj5201
    kellyj5201 Posts: 57 Member
    i use mine for grilled sandwiches.... grilled cheese,, ham and cheese, turkey and cheese, grilled pb and jelly :). i love the flat out sandwich thins with a slice of turkey and a slice of colby cheese and tomato on my george forman