Worried about running

I'd love to go running but it sounds so silly but since being little I've always worried about someone like taking me I know it sounds so silly and stupid but it really does scare me haha any advice


  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    You would be absolutely fine I'm sure, stranger kidnap is very rare. But you could run on a treadmill in the gym. You could run with a friend (I do this cos at 31 years old I'm still afraid of the dark!). I would always recommend running in a well lit area (i.e roads instead of a park at night). In the day chose parks where there are a lot of other people (dog walkers/other runners etc). Also stay alert and if it really worries you don't run with headphones then you will be more aware of your surroundings. Enjoy your running :-)
  • m3dreamer2011
    I agree with Tillyecl1 - run with a friend if you are worried and stick to the daylight hours :)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Ooops, thought you said talking to you. Anyway, you're more likely to get struck by lightning. Carry mace. And don't make eye contact - in some places, that is a sign of aggression.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    You could find a local running club. There's usually at least one active club in the near vicinity. That way you're not running alone, and you're not tethered to the treadmill (outside running is so invigorating).