Losing weight with hypoglycemia

jalyner Posts: 172 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, everyone, I wanted to ask if there's anyone else out there with hypoglycemia (I hope I spelled that right!).
I eat my recommended calories each day, but I'm shaking and weak by 3:00. I eat snacks with about 100 calories twice a day, aside from my regular meals (about 300-400 calories) but they aren't seeming to help.

I haven't lost any weight even though I've been dieting and working out for 3 weeks. And I do eat my exercise calories, too.
Is anyone else having this problem? Because of my condition, should I be eating more calories each day? I'm getting tired of feeling weak and exhausted every day.


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Being on insulin, I have had the same problem around 3:00 am as well. With me, it was easier, as I have started to cut back on my insulin at night as I use the long lasting one.

    In your case, try to eat some protien before bed or some slow burning foods like oatmeal or pasta a little before bed. Tablespoon of peatnut butter should work as well.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Eat a large breakfast, if you can, then tiny meals every 1-2 hours.

    Eat slow burning food, high protein and high fiber.

    For me, I find grazing works the best. Eating little bits throughout the day prevents the shakes. The hard parts come I have to work and I can't eat and work at the same time in my job. v.v
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Make sure you are balancing your carb and protein for each meal. Avoid anything extremely high in sugar or only carb based. I try to eat every 203 hours and eat meal and or snack is 200-400 calories. 100 calories is not enough to keep you balanced for another 203 hours. I love South Beach protein bars, Zone Protein bars, and Special K bars..I've learned to avoid cokes but they do nothing but make my sugar crash within next 1-2 hours.

    Eat within an hour of waking up and 30 min to hour after your workouts. That is when you need the calories the most.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Don't skip breakfast, don't skip lunch, don't skip snacks. Avoid carbs and especially , sugary foods. I can't eat chips or pretzels or baked goods or most pasta...I crash shortly after (about 2 hrs). Instead, my snacks are greek yogurt, cottage cheese, berries and baby carrots. If you are starving and shaky, you have either a) gone too long without eating and/or b) eaten the wrong thing last time around.

    Example: I can eat REAL, pure maple syrup (sparingly) with no major ill effects on my sugars. But if I eat the Log Cabin LITE syrup (which contains liquid sugar), I crash very hard 2 hours later. I mean...nausea, sweating, shaky, foggy...crash. There is something in that syrup that triggers a crash, so I avoid it like the plaque. Instead, I just drizzle the tiniest bit of pure syrup on my waffles.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks everyone for the information.
    I don't really balance proteins and carbs consciously, but I'll pay more attention to that, for sure. I don't eat a lot of meat, as a general rule, but I love all kinds of beans and eat them regularly. My protien levels are good.

    I do know I need to eat more for breakfasts -or rather choose better food for breakfast (a cup of corn flakes and .5 cup of milk will not last me more than two hours, and a granola bar to tide me over until lunch doesn't seem to be cutting it). I'll get some cut up veggies and see if that helps.

    I've quit drinking soda because it makes me crash and I've stayed away from sweets for the most part. (Sundays are my days to eat a dessert, though it's something like a skinny cow and always in moderation).
    I'll make those changes and see if it helps. I appreciate your feedback!
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