Is it Water Retention/Constipation?

(Just TMI, fair warning)

Okay, I'm a 5'6, younger girl, and as of this morning, I'm weighing in at 131. I know I'm at a healthy weight for my body, but I feel best, and would like to lose/maintain down to about 123-127. I normally weigh in at 127, however, after making healthier changes (eating more, but all wholesome, healthy foods. Think big, nutrient-dense salad for dinner for example) and exercising using FitnessBlender videos for about a week now, I'm bloated, constipated, and up 4 pounds. Am I doing something wrong? Is it water retention and temporary constipation, or am I gaining for good? I will say, I do feel more "tight" all over, but incredibly bloated as well.


  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Are you getting enough fluids? When you change your diet to wholesome foods etc. you eat a lot of fiber. The change was probably to drastic and you body has problems to digest. Fiber is great but make sure you drink enough water. After a few days you should have a regular digestion. And...... always count calories.
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member
    What she said...and if you still havent done #2...drink a cup of coffee. works wonders
    Are you getting enough fluids? When you change your diet to wholesome foods etc. you eat a lot of fiber. The change was probably to drastic and you body has problems to digest. Fiber is great but make sure you drink enough water. After a few days you should have a regular digestion. And...... always count calories.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    It matters more how much you eat than what you eat. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh your food.

    Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient. Weight loss isn't linear. Your weight will fluctuate day to day & throughout the day.

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