


  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    You will understand why during the start time and within the first mile. It is usually a congested mess because of poor etiquette of people attending races. Especially in a 5k. Runners with pace times that have no business being near the front will line up ahead of faster runners, creating walls you will have to work around. If the race has large attendence then it will most likely be elbow to elbow running room for the first mile or two until things get worked out. I swear there isn't a race I've been to yet where I didn't want to put an elbow into the backs of a wall of women wearing tutus blocking most of the road. I will run with headphones during races regardless of rules but I always have my music lower and one headphone out until the pack really spreads out. AT the end of the day they won't really yank you out of the race or disqualify you...maybe if you win a podium spot it is a different story...haven't had that problem yet.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    most races have music banned. most racers don't abide by that rule.

    but honestly, some of my best runs have been without any music.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I've never heard of cheating with pace times. You can either run that fast, or you can't.

    Lots don't allow headphones. I usually bring mine (bluetooth, so no cord) and wear them around my neck if they aren't allowed in the ears.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I totally get the safety reasons, but I don't understand the cheating/pacing thing. How does someone cheat at running?

    Also, I avoid races where they ban headphones. I need them for runkeeper tells me when to walk and when to run. I also would rather run needles under my fingernails than run without music. At races though, I always keep on headphone out so that I can hear what's going on around me.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I've never heard of cheating with pace times. You can either run that fast, or you can't.

    Lots don't allow headphones. I usually bring mine (bluetooth, so no cord) and wear them around my neck if they aren't allowed in the ears.

    I don't know anything about it because I'm not fast but I've seen a lot of races where headphones/music/whatever are only banned if you're running for money.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Personally, I never run with music because I like to be aware of my surroundings.

    They are banned for safety reasons and for courtesy to other runners. I can't tell you how many times I have been cut off because someone is running with their headphones in and did not hear me tell them I was passing. Also, I was running a marathon a few years ago and a pack of women, all running together and with headphones in, missed the course director telling them to turn off for the half marathon route and at the last second they were running the course in the wrong direction to get back to the turn and bumping into all of the marathoners. It was very annoying, to say the least.

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's a safety precaution, pure and simple.

    I've never heard of using pacing being cheating!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    I started with headphones too as I started running on a treadmill. Soon got rid of them for the sounds of mother nature. You can also really concentrate on your "sounds" - your heartbeat, your breathing, and in a race all of that is magnified with others around you. Glad you read the details and have some time to adjust. Have a great time training and running the race.

    I love the peace and quiet when I'm out for a run. Getting bored on a run would just never occur to me. There are always things to think about and look at. I need to be able to hear my HRM tell me if I'm going too fast or too slow. It's almost like meditation. My husband though, he functions best in a noisy atmosphere, so he always wears headphones. I have to watch out for him when we run together, because he can't hear anyone coming up behind him. I image he is quite a trail hazard without me there. :ohwell: