Hit 26 this month - over weight - need to sort it out!


So, this month I turned 26.. wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.. went for a sunbed as a birthday treat and came face to face with a full length mirror and my naked self.. Ooohhh Shizz.. Thats when being 26, fat and very very pale kicked my bum.

So here I find myself, on MFP looking for some ladies who are in a similar situation, fed up of being the 'cute cuddly' one ready to kick this fat to the curb!

I am 5'8'' 12 stone 4 lbs or 78lbs (I think)

Anyone out there similar?


  • Humbie1987

    I think you mean 78kg, not 78lbs because that's severely underweight ;-)
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    It is a typo, 12 stone is 168 lbs if I did the conversions correctly and then add the 4lbs. She forgot the one in front :)

    Added you.