Hypothyroidism & Working Out

I am currently 5 months postpartum with twins and I am battling thyroid issues. First it started out as EXTREME HYPER where my heart was hitting 190+ at gym so my doctors medicated me and told me to stay out of the gym for now, then last friday I was told I am EXTREME HYPO. I am released to go back to the gym now which is a plus but I am wondering if there is even any point. My TSH is 46.9 (normal range is .3 - 3.76) so basically my thyroid isn't working at all. They will re test my levels in 2 weeks to see if my body will adjust as needed or if we will have to start meds. I am just trying to determine if going to the gym is even worth it, I could basically eat grass all day long right now and gain weight. Very frustrating.


  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I would say it's worth it. I mean... you know if you do nothing there will definitely be no results. But, I've heard good things about lifting with hypothyroid. Building muscle mass burns fat. so... start there I would say.