
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 25 and I started off needing to lose 120 and now I have 60 to go. Anyone can add me!
  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    I am 28 and have a ways to go to my goal. Feel free to add me ladies.
  • ALM8787
    ALM8787 Posts: 3
    I started my weight loss journey needing to lose 110lbs. I had my daughter, who is 18 months now at 25 and I am just jumping back in to continuing my journey. I need to lose about 65lbs now. Feel free to add me ladies.
  • shoesrequired
    shoesrequired Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy doody! I'm Maureen, 24 going on 25 in August and am looking to lose about 120 pounds or so, feel free to add, even if you don't, best of luck!!!
  • Hey Ladies! I'm Allison, I'm 23 and I'm aiming to lose 90-100lbs. I could definitely use some support and encouragement and I'm here to do the same! Add me!
  • I am a young mom (turning 22 in June) needing to lose 100-120 pounds! Please add me :)
  • xquisiteluv
    xquisiteluv Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 25 looking to lose about 80-100lbs could use some encouragement and motivational support! Love to meet new people please feel free to add me would love to follow journeys!
  • Just turned 25, definitely looking for friends for motivation. Anyone can add me. (:
  • I'm 23 and in need of more motivational friends :) anyone can add
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    Hey I'm Sarah and I am 24 about to turn 25 in july!!. I am going to be losing 140 pounds and would love to have some more friends in the same boat as me. I need all the support and "*kitten* kicking" that I can get to keep me on this journey. Please feel free to add me!!
  • ddebruhl
    ddebruhl Posts: 49 Member
    I am almost 21...looking to lose at least 80, if not more.
  • I'll be 19 in 2 months and I would like to lose atleast 100 pounds.

    Add me if you'd like to be friends!!
  • artmist
    artmist Posts: 1
    I'm 30 and my goal is 118 pounds away - which is 21.5 pounds closer than before! I have PCOS which puts a bit of a damper on things but i just got on Metformin which has totally pumped me up to lose weight finally!

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  • I'm 22 & have 141 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me, that goes for all of you, not just the original poster! lol. (:
  • nlb1106
    nlb1106 Posts: 37 Member
    Im 22 from the uk. My starting weight was 270 lbs and goal weight of 154lb. lost 42lb so far just using MFP. Feel free to add me :)
  • corbinskiii
    corbinskiii Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! I'm Lauren, my goal is to lose 130 lb, 34.5 so far using MFP. feel free to add me :-)
  • butterflyfaerie
    butterflyfaerie Posts: 94 Member
    25 and looking to lose 100, hey there
  • petal1991
    petal1991 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm 22 from UK! Looking to lose 140lb… feel free to add me!
  • Hi I'm 27 and have 78.3kg to lose. From Australia Qld. I'm just starting out, feel free to add me :)
  • withintherose
    withintherose Posts: 36 Member
    I am in my twenties (still) - I have roughly 50-70 more pounds to go but it can be done.