Posters Helping Through Weight Loss Stall

I've creeped these message boards frequently, but posted very rarely. Although I haven't actively been involved with threads, you all have been extremely helpful.

Since January 2nd, I've lost 9.6 lbs. I don't have much to go, but in the last few weeks this has happened:

My weightloss stalled.
I fluctuated up and down three pounds.
I only lost 0.6 lbs in a week even though I ate at a defecit that should have been minus 1.5lbs.

These things previously would have caused me to get frustrated and throw my hands up saying "*kitten* it". But because I've been creeping the MFP message boards I know:

You lose slower when you only have a few pounds to lose.
Fluctuating a few pounds during the week is totally normal.
The reason I "gained two pounds" in one day is because I ate processed foods and I'm retaining water. (PS, because of your information I got back on the scale two days later and the 2 lbs was gone again.)

Because of reading all your helpful (albeit sometimes prickly) posts, I have remained in a positive state of mind despite these "setbacks". So, even though you didn't know you were helping me, you were. So, thanks.


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    fantastic, carrie! i am new here and after 3 weeks had not lost any weight. i freaked at first but came to realize i could make better choices and a few more changes. i am not going to let the scale rule me (or ruin me). i am going to keep putting one foot in front of the other and follow my daily plan. the weight will take care of itself. who knows what my body is up to on it's own...i have to honor that!