Paleo Diet?

I am thinking to get into completely in it, totally

i hav done it but not completely....

is that worth it?? losing fat and gettin chor body aka beach body??

and with Paleo diet wat shud be the C/P/F?? and how much cal?


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I had success during calendar year 2012 when I was eating strict paleo.

    I also had success during calendar year 2013 when I was *not*.

    Eat adequate protein (.8-1g/LBM) and fat (.35-.45g/BW), and find an overall overall calorie limit that allows you to make satisfactory progress towards your goals.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I am thinking to get into completely in it, totally

    i hav done it but not completely....

    is that worth it?? losing fat and gettin chor body aka beach body??

    and with Paleo diet wat shud be the C/P/F?? and how much cal?

    Paleo - or any LCHF diet is not a quick fix.

    Is it worth it?

    If you are looking to do it for a lifestyle change - yes absolutely. (would suggest 100g (50g+/-) of carbs.

    If you are looking to do it for just a month or two - probably not.

    If it's a short term thing your after then just eat enough protein and in a deficit (and make sure you log all of your food).

    Good luck
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    I am thinkin to runing into it for a i like MEAT, i want to try VEGs....

    so wat %?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I am thinkin to runing into it for a i like MEAT, i want to try VEGs....

    so wat %?

    Well if you look to 100g of carbs, 0.7g per lb of lean mass for protein (unless your endurance training or seriously lifting then up it 1g), then make the rest up with fat.

    Sorry but I don't know what you calorie target or lean mass is, so you will need to get the calculator out.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    I was thinking for 1600Cal a day and yes i hav endurance traingin/lifting..
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I was thinking for 1600Cal a day and yes i hav endurance traingin/lifting..

    I'm going out on a limb and going to guess you could actually eat more and lose fat just fine
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I did the 30 day challenge strict and lost 15 pounds, but more importantly I felt Happy. I haven't just felt happy for a very long time. Other things I noticed is my stomach never hurt, my joint pain was completely gone after working out, and I didn't get any headaches.

    I found it difficult to live that way as I enjoy going out and being social. You really can't eat strict paleo at parties, but if I tried hard enough I could have eaten before parties etc.. but I love food to much to say no sometimes when people put **** in front of my face like say.. homemade chocolate chip cookies... sigh.

    As soon as I cheated, all my good feelings were gone...

    That was my experience with it... I know I personally should be eating that way.
  • sparillo
    sparillo Posts: 6
    I had great success with the Paleo "Diet", but for me it was not sustainable long term. When I was doing Paleo I did not use MFP - I found I really could eat as much of the Paleo foods as I wanted and still lose weight. I also don't think I could consume enough of those foods to make a huge caloric difference anyway.
    Now I am using MFP and re-learning how to eat proportionately. I am a healthy eater but would often eat too much of the cheese or carbs, no problem with sugar. I exercise to gain some extra calories for a glass of wine or 2. It works for me and my lifestyle right now.
    If you're just starting out I'd say do the 30 day challenge on Paleo to get a jump start on your weight loss. Then do MFP to keep losing at a healthy rate without depriving yourself of foods you love.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    In for inevitable arguing.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    So 100gm of CArbs and unlimited Paleo food?
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I am thinking to get into completely in it, totally

    i hav done it but not completely....

    is that worth it?? losing fat and gettin chor body aka beach body??

    and with Paleo diet wat shud be the C/P/F?? and how much cal?

    Paleo - or any LCHF diet is not a quick fix.

    Is it worth it?

    If you are looking to do it for a lifestyle change - yes absolutely. (would suggest 100g (50g+/-) of carbs.

    If you are looking to do it for just a month or two - probably not.

    If it's a short term thing your after then just eat enough protein and in a deficit (and make sure you log all of your food).

    Good luck

    What he said. 'LIFESTYLE CHANGE;" That "diet" is one of those new things that are attracting people. If you want to change your lifestyle for a better way to eat or whatever, do it.

    If you are looking for the latest fad in weight loss, I say don't bother. If you really ineterested in Paleo, go to the library and get a book and read about it. That's the only way to learn.

    It's not something you do for a few weeks or months.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Just another means to an end. The important thing is to find what works for you and you can stick with. I'm personally a LCHF fan, but it's because it's easy for me to stick with when I do it.
  • princessbride42
    princessbride42 Posts: 67 Member
    I have been doing what I call modified paleo for a year and a half, which for me says it's sustainable. What I mean by modified paleo is that I severely limit bread and gluten, and somewhat limit dairy, and go for dark chocolate instead of milk. This has been very successful for me as I was maintaining my weight without counting calories or "dieting". When I decided to lose weight, I started counting calories and using myfitnesspal, and I'm finding that it's much easier to fit within my calorie goals when I'm eating such a small amount of bread. I've felt better and felt more healthy with paleo than with any other food "lifestyle change" that I've ever done. My husband is an athlete and our favorite paleo book is The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I did strict Paleo for a while, but ended up moving into Primal, which is a more permissive version of Paleo. The big differences are that in Primal you can eat dairy (go full fat) if you can tolerate it well and they aim for 80-20 compliance versus non-compliant treats. I'm probably more 95-5 now, but I like the idea of 80-20 so I can have those occasional non-Primal/Paleo treats.

    I find it very easy to sustain, though I do most my cooking at home. I also restrict carbs due to insulin resistance issues -- so I try to keep them at 50-80 g per day (total, not net) and I try to get at least 130 g protein per day to minimize LBM loss or maintain it in a caloric deficit (which is 0.7 g per lb body weight). For me that usually breaks down to 10-15% carbs, 30-35% protein and 50-60% fat.

    For me, it usually means a couple of eggs, sausage, piece of cheese (my version of an Egg McMuffin without the bread/biscuit) and half a grapefruit for breakfast, big old salad with protein (usually chicken, sometimes steak) with full fat dressing for lunch, then protein and veggie for dinner (steak and artichoke like last night, sometimes pork with an apple ginger chutney I make, duck with sweet potato, etc.). I find it to be very similar to French cooking if you eliminate the bread -- great, rich sauces go great with protein and veggies. The two things I struggled with missing were my penne alla vodka and panang curry because the first is served with pasta and the second with rice. Then, I was introduced to spaghetti squash and it's an awesome sauce delivery vehicle, so I have it with both my vodka sauce and my panang curry. And I don't feel all bloated afterwards or have a major sugar crash later as I would have had with the pasta or rice (I do envy those that can eat high glycemic carbs easily!).

    I'll throw in the occasional piece of fruit or sweet from time to time (usually, dark chocolate or something like creme brule or panna cotta). My dairy tends to be mostly butter, cream and cheese (usually for sauces or cooking veggies) and occasional whole milk (though usually as part of a recovery drink after lifting with some extra protein powder). I tend to snack on things like deviled eggs and nuts. I also tend to eat 1650-1750 calories per day, though I burn 2400-2700 on average. I'm also 183 lbs and looking to get down to somewhere around 160 or so, or I think that will be a good goal weight now.

    I also feel awesome on it and couldn't recommend it more highly.