salads...very irritating



  • Make your own!
    If you absolutely HAVE to go out to eat, so be it, but stick with just a normal side salad with a light dressing and a baked potato?
    When I feel like having a mexican style salad, I have iceburg lettuce, fat free black beans, fat free shredded cheese, pace picante sauce and sprinkle just a small amount of cumin and mix. YUM and very low in calories compared to Wendy's anything. Hehe
    Good luck.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I make my own salad every day for work and -
    Iceburg Lettuce - Tomato - Cucumber - Sweetcorn - Mushrooms - A whole can of Tuna and French Vinegarette(No Cals in sauce)

    I find it very filling and very yummy & The only thing with big cals is the tuna
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    non-homemade salads just piss me off overall. First of all they aren't healthy, might as well eat that damn cheeseburger, secondly they cost a hella lot more which is just plain idiotic.
  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    If you're absolutely feeling like the Mexican salad from Wendy's, you could ask for the toppings on the side and then only use half of them (like the chili and corn chips). That would probably cut it down by at least 200 calories.
  • Taylor Farms brand has a great single serving salad, packaged with fork and dressing and they come in a bunch of different kinds. The chef salad is the highest caloric value and its still only 320. And the best part is you can just throw them in your lunch cooler and not have to worry about anything else :) They are available for purchase at grocery stores!
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    This is my salad recipe and calorie count.
    Generic -Lettus - Shredded, 3 cup 15
    Fresh Natural Salsa - Salsa, 4 tablespoon 40
    Generic - Red Bell Pepper, 1/4 cup 6
    Cheese - Cheddar, 0.25 cup, diced 133
    Great Value - Canned Black Beans, 1/8 cup 28
    Poland Spring - Water-Bottle, 2 pt,0.9 fl oz, 18 oz 0 0 0 0
    Raw Red Onion - Red Onion Slice, 1 Large Slice 5
    total 314 calories
    As of today I am making my own salad dressing with yogurt and the ranch dressing mix lots less calories and fat and a lot more protein.
    I find making your own salad is better .
  • Panera Bread has some good salads and they are very fresh. If I do not go their then I make my own at home. romaine lettuce or spring mix, Kumato (like a tomato only tastier), cucumber and some type of cheese (1 ounce). I also use all different dressings that are low in calories and make sure I measure. Also, no croutons. I use almonds for crunchy protein!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I bring my own salads quite frequently- it's a very easy, quick, inexpensive meal to make at home. Why spend the money (and the sodium/calories) on a fast food salad?

    I will usually mix spinach and romaine or red/green leaf lettuce (not iceberg!) with a variety of veggies - cucumber, carrot, tomato, jicama, sprouts, etc., plus some type of protein (chicken/turkey/seitan) and then I'll mix in beans (no-salt added), usually black or garbanzo beans, but sometimes pinto or kidney. Sometimes I'll add avacado or nuts to get some healthy fats in there.

    It gives me a great lunch that's filling, with a reasonable calorie count (250-300) and a good balance of carbs/fat/protein. And like I said, much cheaper to make at home than to order out, and I get to control exactly what goes in it.

    If time is an issue, then you can pick one day a week (grocery shopping day, maybe?) where you pre-cut your vegetables for the week, then all you have to do is toss them in a bag or tupperware container each day. You could also make a big salad once or twice a week and just take portions of that each day. I also try to pre-cook my protein every Sunday and pre-portion it out as well, to make it easy to grab and add to my salad.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    To everyone listing iceburg lettuce... try changing it to spinach and romaine or green leaf and see what it does to your nutrition levels. Iceburg is really just water.

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    To everyone listing iceburg lettuce... try changing it to spinach and romaine or green leaf and see what it does to your nutrition levels. Iceburg is really just water.


    Great thing to point out. We haven't had a head of iceberg lettuce in our house in probably a year or more. Romaine, Red/Green leaf, Spinach - all much tastier and much more nutritious than iceberg! We're also trying more greens like kale and chard. It's fun to try new things. :bigsmile:
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    The only lettuce I will eat and I like is Iceburg so No changing for me the rest taste like stinging nettles no thank you!!
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    Make your own if you can, but if you are on the run I really like the McDonalds SouthWest Grilled Chicken Salad. It has 320 calories, the dressing is another 100. Honestly I only use half the dressing and it is plenty. The salad is so flavorful I do not think you will miss the dressing at all.
  • The McDonalds salads are surprisingly low in calories. Go to their website and check it out. :)

    But the sugar and bad fat content are horrific!! Low cal doesn't always mean good for you :wink:

    I make my salads up and take them in to work with me. That way I know exactly what is going in to them xxx
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    The McDonalds salads are surprisingly low in calories. Go to their website and check it out. :)

    I just looked and theri premium southwest grilled chick salad is only 320 cals! and even if i get the dressing then its 420 cals! I think ill do it!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    There are days where bringing lunch just is not practical. On those days I usually go to Wendy's and get the Apple Pecan Chicken salad. It is very large and some days I can get two meals out of it. If you leave off the pecans (I use only half), and only use 1 packet of dressing, the salad comes in at about 520-540. I scrape off the blue cheese but have never took the time to measure it to find the calculations without it. As everybody already mentioned, it is all the add-ons to the salad. I like that salad and after taking off the higher fat blue cheese and pecans, you are left with a healthy salad...lettuce, grilled chicken, apples, cranberries, and one packet of dressing (60 calories, 3g fat).
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    You know what's good at Wendy's? Get a side salad and a cup of chili and pour the chile over the salad and don't mess with the dressing and ditch the croutons. It's very tasty.

    Mmmm sounds yummy :)
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    The only lettuce I will eat and I like is Iceburg so No changing for me the rest taste like stinging nettles no thank you!!

    Stinging nettles are really delicious when prepared properly :wink:
  • I heart Wendy's chili. $1.07, 130 calories, and it makes me feel full. Also, try doing salads totally without dressing. You'll be pleasantly surprised. God put delicious flavors into the veggies. No need to cover them up!
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