Looking for feedback on my workouts

I started dieting and exercising about 3 months ago and have dropped from 223 lbs to current weight of 203lbs, with the goal to get down in the 185-190 lb range. When I started 3 months ago I was grossly out of shape so my daily workout consisted of a simple 30 minute cardio exercise on the stationary bike. Eventually I built that up to 40 minutes of a more rigorous exercise, then added in weight training and running. Here's my routine currently:

Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday Workout- 40 minutes (12 Miles) on stationary bike, followed by 30-40 minutes of weight training, followed by a 20 minute (2 miles) run on treadmill.
Wednesday/Sunday are rest days
Saturday I usually just do a 45 minute cardio workout on the elliptical or stationary bike.

The goal is weight loss and body toning. Is this a good routine? Anything missing that I should add in or anything I'm doing that is counterproductive to my goals?



  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I think you're doing great! Good for you!
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    It is obviously working, so keep it up! I personally do more lifting than cardio, but I really don't care for cardio.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    It is obviously working, so keep it up! I personally do more lifting than cardio, but I really don't care for cardio.

    ^THIS! Take if from someone who knows..you are doing great now but you will burn yourself out and possibly kill your lean muscle mass if you don't eat enough protein.