Inadvertently fell off the wagon

Usually, I take off watching everything on Friday and Saturday nights. I will often still eat fine, but add some alcohol on those evenings. Last week, I had a friend coming from out of town, so I drank Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, while eating much worse than I usually do. I then took off work Monday and Tuesday, and drank some both nights, and didn't watch at all what i ate. 6 days of eating bad, drinking beer, and not exercising. This felt real bad, and today I got on the scale and am regretting it. Thursday I hit my lowest weight since starting my journey about 6 weeks ago, and this morning I was back up 4 lbs from that. I have tracked things today, and am going to the gym this afternoon. I know it was only less than a week, but I was real scared I may stay off the wagon. Add me and keep me encouraged. please, I know I'll do the same for you.