What's your favorite part of working out?



  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Finding something you enjoy helps a lot.

    For me, walking or running outside is my favorite. It's hard to be stuck inside all winter but I try to keep it interesting by doing a different things every day and challenging myself (speed, resistance, amount of weight/sets/reps) regularly. If you don't have access to a gym, there are a variety of workout programs online or you can check out books/DVDs at your local library.

    My biggest problem right now is a broken toe that's keeping me from continuing with my running intervals but the good part is that I'm doing more strength training. Sometimes you just have to put a positive spin on the challenges and make the best of it.
    Same here! Now that it's not -483048230, I love being outside!
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Enjoying what I do.
    Seeing my results!!! <--favorite, just not instant
    That tired, sore feeling that means I really did something!
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    The body rush after you put in 100% keeps me coming back for more.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    That was my first thought, also. I WISH I was one of those people who loved it.
    My first thought is "when it's over."

    But as cliche as it sounds, it's the feeling I have after I'm done - the feeling that I've accomplished something, taken another step towards my goal. As tired, sore, and sweaty as I am, I always feel better after working out.
  • Angelrica
    Angelrica Posts: 14 Member
    When it is OVER.
  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    I think we all have our own motivation. My main motivation is turning 40!!! I want to better my life and be healthy & feel better. I used to be really active and I regret ever stopping. You will find your motivation to get off the couch...we all do!
    Good luck in your journey! :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    When it is OVER.

    why do I feel like the only one here who hates when my workout is over?
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member

    This. Hitting a new PR or realizing that a particularly hard workout or lift is getting easier.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Getting stronger.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    The feeling of focusing totally on your body and your motions. Nothing else matters, not your nagging boss, not your ****ty car, not your overdrawn bank account, not the fight you just had with your boyfriend.
    It really clears my head.
    I feel refreshed (and exhausted) when I'm done.
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    all of it...it's not only about physical health for me. it's become a holistic experience
  • fedup30
    fedup30 Posts: 141 Member
    I have a hard time getting out of bed, and if I am going to get in a workout, that is my only chance! I just know that the rest of my day is going to be so much better if I do. I feel like I have more energy to get through the day, and its a little extra motivation to eat right. (I do not want to totally negate my workout by eating crappy!) Overall, I just feel better, and for me, with mild depression, that's pretty good motivation to get going!
  • boohe65p
    boohe65p Posts: 14 Member
    I found an aqua fit class at my local therapeutic pool. The water is a lovely 35.c. it's really nice getting in on a cold evening and the warmth is good for my stiff joints. the classes are often small 5-12 people so it becomes quite social. We work hard but have fun at the same time. Afterwards I feel much more supple and strangely taller. I have found my fitness is improving so much that my Husband now has trouble keeping up with me when cycling and I have recently cycled 8.7km up what to me was a huge hill to a lookout. I never would have even attempted this before my aqua fit classes.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Most days, my favorite part is when it's over. That completely spent feeling of accomplishment.

    Except for hiking. My favorite part of hiking is hiking. Being in the woods, looking down from a mountain I just climbed, find a geocache, swinging from a vine, climbing a tree to have my picture taken, startling a deer or turkey, ... all of it.
  • That's easy, the trainers are my favorite. They are male, cute, very muscular, inspiring and motivating. And I feel like they give a great work out, while teaching us how to exercise safely and effectively. :flowerforyou:

    And I love the endorphins.
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Motivation: (1) looking down and seeing muffin top while sitting (2) looking at my workout log and challenging myself to burn more calories for that particular workout or do more push-ups or weight lifting (3) crazy as it seems I love breaking out in a good sweat (4) the rush that comes when I'm done.:happy:
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I love everything about it!

    What's not to love: Feeling strong while lifting, being out on the water while kayaking, escaping for a long run or a bike ride. Exercise is my escape from reality. When I am out there I don't have to worry about anything except my workout!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What's your favorite part of working out?

    All of it....

    The key is to find and do stuff for exercise that you actually enjoy...way too many people forcing themselves to jump around like *kitten* to some DVD or some class or drone away on some machine. Do what you enjoy doing.

    I enjoy lifting weights; aside from about a 10 year hiatus (where I got fat) I've lifted since I was about 13/14 y.o...I got back into it big time when I started all of this good livin' about a year and a half ago and I realized how much I really missed moving iron around.

    I enjoy riding my bike; my work has a wellness program (that I got started) that allows people 30 minutes of exercise per day if they sign up for the program...so i use that 30 minutes plus some of my lunch hour to get out on my bike a few times per week and knock out a good 10 - 12 miles...nothing intense or crazy, just a nice steady ride to stay moving and clear my head.

    Saturday rides are the best because I head out for a couple of hours and knock out a good 25 mile loop (doing more right now because I'm training, but usually just 25 miles) that basically takes me on a tour of all of Albuquerque...it's great...sites and sounds you would never see or hear in a car.

    I also enjoy hiking in the mountains and the La Luz trail here is one of my favorites and I try to do it at least a few times per year...but we have lots of good general hiking trails as well so it's fun to break from routine from time to time and just go on a nice hike.

    I also enjoy a bit of swimming here and there and a morning of golf with the fellas is always a pleasure.

    I think part of the issue that people have is that they think they have to be doing all kinds of crazy whack **** to be getting in a good workout and spending hours and hours...and that's just not necessary.
  • mildammm
    mildammm Posts: 67 Member
    Honestly, the hour to hour-and-a-half of guilt-free mirror time. I love fashion, so I really enjoy putting an outfit together for working out (I usually go for my trusty all-black-everythang) and I like looking at it while working out. And this body is new so I get surprised every time when I actually look like I work out. I've never thought I could ever look even remotely athletic and here I am, my big shoulders and baby biceps. And I even thought that just starting out, 40 lbs ago.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Although I'm tired at the end of the workday, I go directly to the gym (do not go home first)! I start with the stretch trainer that feels so good and I start to really relax listening to some bluesy music. Then I turn on the fast stuff and start walking the track. (I downloaded a new playlist last night and got walking so fast it was like muscle memory. I couldn't slow down, my legs just seemed to be moving on their own and ended up doing 5 mph.) Usually after 1/2 - 1 mile I stop and do 30 minutes on the stationary bike and watch a series or movie on Hulu on my phone (do not allow yourself to watch any other time so you look forward to seeing what happens next). Then back to the fast stuff and walk another 1/2 - 1 mile. I finish with some light weights just for about 10 minutes. When I am done I am totally relaxed. I have just ordered a swimsuit because as I walk, I can see the swimming pools, lazy river, and hot tub. Very enticing, but I wanted to lose some weight first. I will try to do those on the weekend when I am done in the gym. Maybe add some water aerobics and water jogging, too. I'm 63, have a pacemaker/CRT/defibrillator implanted in my chest. My job is very active and most days I have already walked 7,500 to 12,000 steps before I even go to the gym. I keep motivated because I can see the results. I go to the gym six days a week. You just have to do it!