Another newbie

Hi all ~

I'm here and looking for some motivation! I was member a few years ago after getting pregnant with my first son. I was in great shape before getting pregnant and was hoping to get that body back. I got pregnant with my second son about a year later and between the two pregnancies have about 20 lbs to lose to get back to where I was.

It's been a struggle and have tried just about everything to get back on track. I was at the gym for an hour a day, spinning, running, weights... but nothing seemed to get the weight off. I tried "cleanse" diets and even pills (I know, I know...) but nothing I've found has worked so far. Now that I have a new job that takes me away from my gym I'm without that, which I think is probably not a bad thing because now it will make me focus on what I'm eating. I have very little will power and used exercise as a "I've burned 600 calories today so I can eat that" tool. Fine for maintenance, not for weight loss!

I'm hoping that joining this board will keep me honest and motivated. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated!!



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Baby steps. It can be overwhelming at first. Get your food (logging, measuring) squared away first. Just log "regular" food and then systematically make "improvements." The exercise of logging is a real eye opener. Make changes that you can live with, as in lifestyle changes. This will help you keep weight from creeping back up.

    Exercise is great, but it burns far fewer calories than most people expect. I'm really bad at this part. In the past, I've exercised until the weight was gone....and then quit. The weight came back (doh!). This is a lifestyle change too.....I need to move more, forever.

    You don't need a gym. I do all my workouts at home. After you get going....look for some home exercise plans....lots of options.

    Check out the "Groups" area. I'm sure there is one (or 2) that fits for you.

    Good luck! and Welcome