Tip for the n00bs, Don't get scammed.

jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
I would like to take the time to help those of you who may be new to weight loss/fitness. There are literally thousands of programs out there circling the internet, the magazine racks, the television, almost everywhere, that promise "get slim quick" results. Some of these programs are complete rip offs and don't work at all, they have not been scientifically proven, but more importantly, they can't even produce a person who has done what they say, and what they say alone, to back up their claim. Those are usually pretty easy to spot and avoid. The second kind of weight loss predator is a lot worse though, the ones that do work, but not because of the product, but because of the proper eating and proper exercise that accompany them.

Don't be duped into pills, shakes, or God forbid, condiments that you just throw on top of whatever you're eating. It's a huge waste of money. You can either take the pill, eat right, exercise and lose weight; or you can eat right, exercise and lose weight, without spending a load of money on something you don't need.

Weight loss is a mathematical equation. It is little more than calories in VS calories out. There is a bit more of a science to it than that as all calories are not created equal, but at its most basic form, when you burn 3500 calories, you will lose a pound. The most important thing is self control, discipline and will power. No one can help you but you.

It hurts my soul to see someone get caught up in a money trap like the Plexus pyramid, regardless of whether the person loses weight or not, they have wasted a pile of money on something that they didn't have to spend a dime on. If anyone has any questions, that is what this community is for. Please ask, but when you are struggling, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't purchase any magical potion that is supposed to make the fat evaporate right off of your body! Thank you, and good luck to everyone!


  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I agree with you 100% !!! I have done just about every "diet" out there. I have lost weight more times than I can count AND gained it back every time. What I learned a couple of years ago - quit "dieting". The key (for me) has been to relearn my eating. I do not deprive myself of any foods. I concentrate on moderation and keeping track of what foods I put into my body every day. Portion control. And I have become conscious of how much I move a day. Don't always look for that close parking space, park further away & walk. Having a stressful day? Take a walk or put on some music & dance. Commercial on TV? Go up & down the stairs a few times. Little changes but changes that give results and become part of your lifestyle. The pounds come off slowly but they stay off. Those products that promise quick weight loss also result in quick weight gain back. And the ones who have celebrities endorsing them...those same celebrities usually have personal trainers and get paid for the endorsements.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Quick to lose is quick to gain. If you don't change your habits your weight will come back, end of story.

    I have problems with emotional eatting and if I don't take care of that then my weight will not change. Losing weight is hard because habits have to change and there are person demons to fight.
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    My sister fell into one of those fads years ago, and lost a bunch of weight. She gained all of it back. Those kinds of pills don't work because you'll lose the weight only to gain it all back. Do it the right way, learn something, and keep it off!
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Agree with OP. If any of those pills/diets actually worked, do you think there would be any overweight people in the world? Eat less and exercise, be determined and consistent. You CAN do this!