Back to it!

Ok, So I have been completely MIA for about i don't know 5-6 months! I had a crazy hectic schedule this summer with summer school and full time work, but I have got to get back to it! My journey started last October and I have lost about 25 pounds which is great, and I have been able to maintain for the most part. I quit because I got discouraged because I was not losing anymore and plateaued around March/ April of 2010, and used my busy schedule as an excuse! Anyways, I really want to focus with getting back to working out again, and making my health a priority! I have been sabotaging myself over the past month and would love to get back connected in this community again to stay focused and encouraged over this next year!
Long term Goals: By my birthday in March I want to be on my way to losing the next 25 lbs!
Short Term - 1) Back to working out at least 3-4 times a week excluding my tennis matches on the weekends.
2) Back to concentrating on Calorie intake and tracking it daily again!

Look forward to the next year and the progress I hope to make!


  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    this sounds like my life lately!! i was just thinking that today. i got about 1 pound away from my goal and just started slacking off.

    well i gained 4 pounds! it's not devestating but it still is a sign i need to get back on my tracking and get back in the gym!!!! so let's

    do this before the holidays roll around....trouble!!:smokin:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Good luck! I stopped logging food (but continued working out 6-7 days a week) at the end of June and when I stepped on the scale in September I was appalled to have gained nearly 6 pounds back. Yikes.
