How do i start jogging

Dumb question i know, but i have been walking for about 2-3 miles per day, everytime i go to try and jog i get a leg cramp or it burns in the front of my ankle, am i doing something wrong.. ?


  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    When I first started running ten years ago I was proud if I could survive one minute. I recommend you try tiny increments daily at a slow pace and try to beat your time daily. In about 2 weeks assuming you are healthy etc. you should be able to jog a mile.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Do you have proper footwear? been fitted for shoes? If not, I'd get that taken care of first.

    Start slowly but surely, no more than a10% increase in distance per week. Burning in your ankle or shin is normal if you're brand new and all depending on how hard you're going at it. I'd start with a few minutes warm-up walk, do 10 sets of 1 min jog and 1-2 min recovery walk followed by a cooldown walk I'd say about 3x/week with one day of rest in-between. From there move up in terms of running intervals as you get comfortable, so 2 min. run, 2 min. walk for say...9 sets and so on and so forth
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    Check out a couch to 5k program. They are designed to get you into jogging/running gradually so your muscles and lungs have time to adjust.

    My calves also started to cramp a bit while running so I checked the report section on MFP and saw I wasn't always getting enough potassium. I started eating sweet potatoes and cramps are gone. However it could also be that you are trying too much to soon.

    Are you jogging in good shoes? Once I replaced my shoes my foot pain was gone.
  • jackilync
    jackilync Posts: 30 Member
    I downloaded the Couch 2 5K app (C25K in the app store). It is really helping me! Good luck!
  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    I second the couch to 5K by Zen Labs. You can download to your phone and you can still play music-Love it! :bigsmile:
  • Cmejstrik
    Cmejstrik Posts: 25 Member
    Check out c25k (couch to 5k) online. Hal Higdon has good free programs. For me, personally, I tried to do it alone unsuccessfully several times. Finally, I made a friend sign up with me for a class locally where we met up each week and were given a training plan and then ran as a group - and it changed my life. Now, I run 15-20 miles a week, and am training for my first half marathon in a few weeks. Something about doing it with others really motivated me. My friend quit on me, but I didn't care. I run alone and enjoy it.

    You will be able to do this. But you MUST get through the hard part. Which is usually getting your shoes on and through the first few steps. I still have a bit of a love/hate relationship with running, but if I just push through the first mile, I generally love it. It makes you feel like a rock star!
  • Cmejstrik
    Cmejstrik Posts: 25 Member
    Oh yeah, and when it sucks, remind yourself of the extra food you get eat after!
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    As several said before me, go to a running shoe store and get fitted for shoes. Then make sure you're using good form:

    Once you've reviewed that, I suggest starting with Couch to 5k:

    Start slow, and if you have to repeat weeks, repeat the weeks until you are comfortable moving on. There's no rush, spring is coming so get out and enjoy the run.
  • motivatedkarma
    motivatedkarma Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks so much I am going to try that.
  • fitformidlife
    You won't regret it! I'll toss in another suggestion for C25K too. I did it in the past and managed to do a couple of 5K runs afterward. Not very fast, but finishing was my goal. I plan to go back to it this summer. It's a nice, simple introduction to jogging/running, and you might surprise yourself with how well you do.
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    C25K all the way! It has made a huge difference for me!