How to start?

Just joined this site as way to see if I can lose my pesky 20 pound gain on my own, or if I need to go to weight watchers for tough love. Through out my life I have gone on my little health kicks where I go to the gym every day and am into the newest fitness rage, but lately just wanted to take a break from that and hence the 20 pound weight gain. Trying not to stress too much on it even though I will be getting married within a year. and definently want to look and feel slim for all my upcoming special occasions.

So I figured best bet is to ease into it. Dig out my pedometer, reduce my sugar intake and take it from there.

I need to get into the fitness frage again. Treadmills get boring and joing a running club feels like a distant goal, so hoping if I start just buy being mindfule of extra unnecessary sugar and pledging 10,000 steps a day I will see at least 1 poundd weight loss.

How does everyone curb their sugar need?


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    When I was given the advice to eat about 100 grams of protein everyday, I tried it. After about a week, my sweet, empty snacky feelings went away completely. On a nutritional level, sugar is a fast release energy, protein is slow release energy. When you replace fast energy calories with slow release calories, you will feel better and more satisfied at lower calories. Plus, protein will help you retain muscle as you lose.