Long journey ahead, looking for encouragement and advice

Hello everyone!

My name is Katherine and I'm a 20 year old college student from Alabama. About two weeks ago, I got so fed up of feeling heavy and being in pain trying to get around campus that I've been trying to make some serious weight loss changes. In the past few months, I've managed to reach my highest weight of 330 pounds. I have always been overweight, but I am determined that something is going to change.
I have a very long way to go, but I'm looking for some encouragement and kindred spirits. My main struggles are trying to stay social with a restaurant culture and finding the time to balance school and stress and not comfort eating. I feel a little intimidated by the sheer amount of weight there is to lose, but focusing on a goal of 1-2 pounds a week has helped. Anyone who is on a similar journey, I would love to hear from you and anything that has helped you work on the lifestyle changes component of weight loss. I struggle with silly things like driving by the Wendy's by my apartment complex or having to walk by the bakery of my grocery store. I hope that some day all of my old bad habits won't be so much at the forefront of my mind!

Myfitnesspal has been a great way for me to watch what I'm putting in my mouth, and I hope maybe the community here can help me to stay motivated and not lose track of what I'm doing. My boyfriend has been a big help, but to some degree he doesn't quite understand the addiction component of my struggle with my weight.

Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks y'all!


  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    I'm at the same weight as you and have recently restarted MFP. Good luck to you.

    Michelle in Ohio
  • fatgymnast
    fatgymnast Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Katherine. I've found Myfitnesspal works better than logging my food any other way. I used to do it all, notebooks, spreadsheets - I've tried it - and this is the only method I've found I truly stuck to. Even if I'm at work, and I snack on something - I'll make a point of entering it on my computer. If I'm out, then I've got my phone. It's a weird addiction I seem to have picked up! :)
    I totally get where you're coming from. My work has it's own cafeteria that admittedly has amazingly fresh salads made every day, but to get to the salad bar, you've got to walk past the drool-inducing fresh pastries, muffins, cakes selection (so cruel!! haha!).
    I've found the people on here so supportive. I even did an 8.4km walk with someone I met off here, b/c otherwise I was too intimidated to do it on my own - but I wanted to do it. I've lost 5kgs since December, and I struggled for most of last year getting the motivation to get going. There were lots of false starts, weight ballooned. Then I got to Christmas and thought, something has to give! I signed up to a gym I love, have a trainer who is beyond awesome - and I deliberately mix up my workouts so it doesn't get boring i.e gym, outdoors activity, tennis etc. It's not easy, but once you get to a stage where you can feel progress - the sky is the limit! Feel free to add me, and feel free to msg me if you need some help, or just someone to vent to.