A group for 'grumblers'?



  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I have a dark sense of humor and grumble a lot. And today, I feel fat :-(
    Welcome to the club!!

    If I don't get my period within 24 hours I'll know it's my *kitten* and not water retention. >:-(
  • jmeasamer
    I read your post while at work(which wasn't the best idea thinking back) because I started smiling and laughing. I knew I had found someone that thinks on the same level I do. I really want to lose weight, yet it seems like the harder I try the harder it is. I love the idea for a group for "grumblers".
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am a natural grumbler tbh.
    I have been losing weight for the same amout of time as you, yes in the begining it was amazing, now I lose about 1lb every other week, if that sometimes. It is happening, it is just happening very, very slowly.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Mentally - I'm ready. I like eating healthy. I over-analyze everything I cook, eat, buy, etc. I LIKE working out, going hiking, going on walks. I just don't like that the weight isn't disappearing as easily as it does for some.

    Has anyone seen the show "Freaky Eaters"? I think it's on TLC. One episode was about a girl who was addicted to Coca Cola. She drank 30 COKES A DAY!!!!!! 30 COKES EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! How much did she weigh? About 115 pounds. How the hell can some people eat and drink whatever the hell they want and I gain weight when I SMELL a cookie????

    This group is for griping and complaining. If I hear one more 141 pound college kid tell me it's all mental, I'm going to vomit!

    YEAH!!! I haven't lost a friggin thing!!! I've been working my *kitten* off for over two months! and i haven't lost a pound...a few inches maybe, but how do i know i'm not just bloated...and i'm going to throw this out there...i friggin hate working out! i hate the sweating and the smelling, and the juice monkeys! i hate the gym...I hate the cute little girls in their $300 lululemon sweatshop outfits that don't even know how the ellyptical turns on! Yet they stare at me all snotty like "what are you doing here fatty"....UP YOURS YOU SKINNY BROAD!!!!!i know there are other excercising i can do, but i don't...i go to the gym, b!tch the whole time i'm there and then go home...this losing weight crap sucks, i have to become obsessed with food and calories or else nothing will change...I even bought a tai chi dvd off the internet, they recommend you watch it entirely before you get up and try it, i passed out in the first 10 minutes of it and missed the whole damn thing!
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    i friggin hate working out! i hate the sweating and the smelling, and the juice monkeys! i hate the gym...I hate the cute little girls in their $300 lululemon sweatshop outfits that don't even know how the ellyptical turns on! Yet they stare at me all snotty like "what are you doing here fatty"....UP YOURS YOU SKINNY BROAD!!!!!
    Amen, Sister!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    If I don't get my period within 24 hours I'll know it's my *kitten* and not water retention. >:-(

    hahahahahahhaaahhhaa haha omg this literally made me laugh out loud...i laugh because i know! i love this group...finally we can admit that we aren't happy and self motivated constantly...and that losing weight actually does suck
  • Utahbeth
    I'm right there with you all. I don't go to the gym, because I don't want to pay for a membership. But I do have a bike with a baby trailer, so I can tow my little one around while I work out. But I get out onto the road and after a while I see all the Plastic Mom's, jogging or riding their bikes, and I'll say Hi or wave AND GET NO FRIKKEN RESPONSE! Well excuse me Mrs. Boobjob, I didn't realize that this was not an equal opportunity bike path. And if you don't get your slow *kitten* out of the way, I'm going to run you over.

    Oh, and I also hate Utah. :)
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    :laugh: :laugh: this is too much fun!:laugh: :laugh:

    okay, really, I gotta get some work done:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member
    This group is for me! It doesn't happen often but on Friday I was having a hard day, feeling defeated, confused, frustrated, and sorry for myself. So, I posted something called" I should only drink water." I was not REALLY going to stop eating! Haven't been able to thus far LOL But just wanted to say some of the things I think, wanted to say that it gets hard. And OMG! Some people were so helpful, and some were very encouraging. Some offered suggestions, and some just understood that I just had to get it out. BUT there were others who thought the best approach was a hard line and to tell me everything that was wrong with my thinking, and that I was lazy. Sometimes that is needed, but the truth is most of us here could run the Dr. Oz show and write our own books on weightloss. We know what to do, just sometimes it gets hard to do! Or you just don't feel like doing! Or you're having own of those days, you're mad that you even have to do in the first place. These are not excuses, they are emotions - responses to changes. Reactions to the stress of trying to incorporate these changes. Everyone's journey is different and for most this is not the first time we have tried to lose or get healtly. Just because it all fell it to place for one person 6 months ago and everything is going great, they seem to forget all the false starts they had for years prior. Or perhaps they were never at the point it hurt so bad to walk 1 block. If you start your journey at the point were your desire is to go vegan, lose the extra 20 lbs you gained after the birth of your 3rd child, and are determined to work up to the 10K run because the 5k is just too easy now. Then your story is not my story. I am someone so ashamed of my body that I can only show my eyes. What we do share is the common desire to lose weight, become healthy, and feel good about ourselves.

    I need to grumble every now and then. It doesn't mean that I'm lazy or I am going to give up, and even if I were, I thank those who have information and encouragement to share, and tell me to keep going. I am not perfect. I don't have all the answsers, I am overwhelmed with these new diagnoses. My doctors told me what NOT to eat, but not what to eat. You all have! I just learned on Friday that eating out is not an option. I thought chicken, and salads were healthy. Turns out it's not when it comes from a place with a drive thru window! Why didn't my doctor tell me that?? It's a process. I know that. For those of you who feel it necessary to tell me how weak, whiny, and uncommitted I am. Take a minute to think, you don't know my story. I want to lose weight! I want to be healthy! Habits that were solidified over 16 years are not going to change in the 3 weeks I've been here. What seems so easy to you now, may not have always been. Try to remember your attempts at Atkins, Southbeach, WW, Cabbage Soup, the Blood type diet, liquid diets, shake diets, lemon juice and cayenne pepper, etc., etc.. Now is your time, now it clicked in place for you. And I am truly happy for you! I I've only tried one other diet, the Ultra Simple. It didn't work. I'm still praying that now is my time.

    Sorry, this is so long! Boy! You just don't know what will come out when you type and are emotional at the same time. I guess I'll post this in the main community. Perhaps we can all learn something. I took all the great info I got on Friday and used it to make some adjustments. I feel good and I feel inspired. And even though my 1/4 of M&M's just turned into 1/2 cup (450 calories???" Are you serious? What a waste!) I'm back at it, pushing forward.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    If I don't get my period within 24 hours I'll know it's my *kitten* and not water retention. >:-(

    hahahahahahhaaahhhaa haha omg this literally made me laugh out loud...i laugh because i know! i love this group...finally we can admit that we aren't happy and self motivated constantly...and that losing weight actually does suck

    As I told my husband (professional athlete) "exercise does NOT release endorphins in me. It releases hate".
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning, I know how it is to be doing your best but, your best just doesn't seem good enough. I have lost 5 lbs in about a month which is low but, never the less. Before I was eating more and moving less and now I do the reverse and that is eat less and move more. I have found that walking is the best form of exercise and I have been sticking to it faithfully. You have to dairy your food whether on track or off so that you can see what's going on and why you don't seem to be losing weight. I like this program cause you can eat what you desire like weight watchers but, you have to stay within your bounderies. I have found that when you don't diary, you go so far over how much you should be eating and you don't realize it until you get on the scale. When I didn't diary and was working my butt off in the gym, I was only maintaining but, when I began to dairy the good, the bad and the ugly, I saw where I was going way over and all my gym work was just burning what I ate and nothin else. Try everyday to walk if nothing else for 30 mins to and hr and diary, diary, diary what you intake and see if that makes a difference.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Everyone's journey is different and for most this is not the first time we have tried to lose or get healtly. Just because it all fell it to place for one person 6 months ago and everything is going great, they seem to forget all the false starts they had for years prior. Or perhaps they were never at the point it hurt so bad to walk 1 block. If you start your journey at the point were your desire is to go vegan, lose the extra 20 lbs you gained after the birth of your 3rd child, and are determined to work up to the 10K run because the 5k is just too easy now. Then your story is not my story. I am someone so ashamed of my body that I can only show my eyes. What we do share is the common desire to lose weight, become healthy, and feel good about ourselves.
    Wow! You really get this group! You should write the mission statement. I know how you feel and hopefully you'll show us your beautiful face one day, with you sticking the bird to anyone who judges you and your journey!
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    LOL!!! The same thing happened to me when I bought a Tai Chi Tape, the music and instructor were so relaxing. :laugh:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Mentally - I'm ready. I like eating healthy. I over-analyze everything I cook, eat, buy, etc. I LIKE working out, going hiking, going on walks. I just don't like that the weight isn't disappearing as easily as it does for some.

    Has anyone seen the show "Freaky Eaters"? I think it's on TLC. One episode was about a girl who was addicted to Coca Cola. She drank 30 COKES A DAY!!!!!! 30 COKES EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! How much did she weigh? About 115 pounds. How the hell can some people eat and drink whatever the hell they want and I gain weight when I SMELL a cookie????

    This group is for griping and complaining. If I hear one more 141 pound college kid tell me it's all mental, I'm going to vomit!

    I know exactly what you mean!!! It takes weeks to lose a pound, but if I slip up, I can gain 3 over night!!! Not fair!!!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    If I don't get my period within 24 hours I'll know it's my *kitten* and not water retention. >:-(

    hahahahahahhaaahhhaa haha omg this literally made me laugh out loud...i laugh because i know! i love this group...finally we can admit that we aren't happy and self motivated constantly...and that losing weight actually does suck

    As I told my husband (professional athlete) "exercise does NOT release endorphins in me. It releases hate".

    Gawd you're my new best friend...i'm sitting at work laughing by myself, to the point where one of my co-workers had to come in and ask what was going on...clearly i'm not working, but i had to read him your posts anyways....
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Hang in there, it's just the beginning. Forget them skinney chicks you see at the gym cause guess what, cause you're skinney does not mean you are in good shape. And most are not. Do not eat under 1200 cals a day and see what happens. Since you hate the gym, try walking for an hr a day.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    You have me over laughin out loud at my desk.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Hate going to the gym?? I will loan you my kids for the day and by the end of it you'll be begging to go work out just to give yourself a break! LOL. I don't look at the time spent exercising as 'work' as much as I consider it 'a break'. But I'm definitely not one of those 'I can run on the treadmill for 5 hours and not break a sweat' types, just the idea of running anywhere makes me sweat...and want a cookie.
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    This group is for me! I am so glad you started it. I have had it with people looking at me as if I am so weak and lazy and that I just don't care. I am tired of supporting others in their weight loss journey, and then not getting any support back or get the impression because I am not "trying" hard enough that I don't deserve the support. At least I come here and at least I try and log in everyday and try to watch what I eat. I have lost some weight, but not nearly enough. I am so glad for all the people who have been able to take the weight off like it was an overcoat they were wearing. My overcoat's damn zipper is STUCK!!! At any rate. I totally sympathize with the working out. I used to be a bodybuilder. I used to run 16 miles a week. After a car accident and now have problems with my back and knees and fibromyalgia it takes a freakin will of steel to get up in the morning sometimes, much less get to the gym and workout. I hate the pain it causes, even though I know it helps me lose weight. But, sometimes, I just get too tired and just want to sit. I dont' want people looking at me with those "geesh..aren't you lazy" looks and telling you to get up anyway. Karma is a bi%% as they say. I used to do it to my mother and now I know how she felt. Schmuck that I am. I had people make pig noises at me one time at work because they thought I was eating way too much at a luncheon even though I measured everything out by TBSP and took a bit of everything, but mostly the lower calories foods. It just looked like a lot. Anyway...I am done for now. Thanks for letting me have a place to vent.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member

    Gawd you're my new best friend...i'm sitting at work laughing by myself, to the point where one of my co-workers had to come in and ask what was going on...clearly i'm not working, but i had to read him your posts anyways....

    I was contacted by the school the other day. My 11 year old daughter was asked to describe "self-respect". Her drawing and text were... "self-respect is like peeing in your pants. everyone can see that you have it but only YOU can feel it's warmth".

    Yeah, think my husband getting sick and dying released the wicked in us all.
