Would appreciate a little help if possible please

Very new on here and unsure of how things work.

Lost an awful lot of weight when I was a teenager and have always managed to stay around the same weight or thereabouts for the last 40 years but having stopped smoking some 7 months ago, over the last couple of months the weight has gradually increased and I now have a definite stomach and backside and my thighs seem, to be at any rate, enormous!

People I know say that I don't look any different but think this is possibly because I wear and have always worn loose fitting/baggy clothes but when I get ready for a bath/shower or bed, I know that I do as I sometimes also feel uncomfortable when sitting as my stomach and bum feel ginormous!

I walk for 30 minutes every morning with my two dogs and every evening for 45 minutes with them too. I walk to work every day - 5 days - and it is downhill and takes me about 15 minutes. I walk home at the end of the day, every day, and it is definitely uphill (and sometimes feels like a mountain not a hill since my weight has increased) and it takes me approximately 20 to 25 minutes to get home.

I am looking to increase my fitness and wondered if this was achievable through exercise and if so, could anyone could suggest a 'beginners' DVD for exercising in my own home. I am not confident enough in myself as yet to join a gym and do feel that I am better starting slowly at home and then maybe in the future joining a gym or exercise class or similar.

I don't want big muscles I just want rid of my flab so would appreciate any help at all.

Thank you.


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    It sounds like you are off to a good start. Have you filled in the information in MFP and are you logging your food?
  • fordrst
    fordrst Posts: 16
    As far as I know I have filled in all the information in MFP and I have been very carefully logging all my food (including the odd naughty) honestly for the last week or thereabouts. Please let me know if I have not filled in any required information as I am not that good with computers I'm afraid - very slow but do get there eventually!! :laugh:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi, I mean the settings (look in the upper right of your screen); after you click on settings look for Update diet/fitness profile. That's where you have to enter weight, how much you want to lose, etc. Did that work OK?
    If you want me to look at your food with you, I'll be happy to; you have to go to settings, then diary settings, then all the way at the bottom to check "friends only". Then you have to accept the friend request I'll send you in a second.

    If you're not ready for that, no problem. :flowerforyou: