Gotta lose it

chrissyz22 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,
I am fairly new to this site. I have been using it for about two weeks. It is awesome!!!

I am about to hit 30 and would like to take the weight off that I put on during those college years.
I want to lose about 35lbs. I currently do kickboxing twice a week and Taekwondo 2-3 times a week. It's still not coming off. I don't get it. I also walk on my treadmil a couple times a week.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?



  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    Input every bite of food- for me, seeing what I ate in a day was a real eye opener. Good Luck
  • I can't see your food diary so I cannot see what your eating habits are like but I would say it needs to be a good balance of both exercise and eating right xxx
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Don't know what you're eating or how much water you're drinking. Most likely you're eating too much or too little for your activity level and either side will lead to a stagnation or even a gain in weight.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    it is hard to to give you suggestions without seeing what you are eating. But you need to do both diet and exercise to lose weight. Are you drinking enough water? Are you staying within your calories? Sometimes it helps to mix it up, our bodies get use to the same routine. Good luck, just stick with it, You can do it
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Dido on the food diary... You can look at mine for some ideas :)
  • 69crewcab
    69crewcab Posts: 1 Member
    Be honest and input everthing that goes in your mouth. Dont cheat it either if its a cup put a cup dont estimate it.

    And watch your drinks, before i started this i was drinking almost 2000 calories of soda!! Never again
  • Thanks everyone. The encouragement is awesome!!! How do I make it so you all can see what I am eating? I think that it is fairly balanced.
  • eat 6 smalls meals throughout the day it'll make your metabolism work faster, and drink lots of water.
  • First, examine your goals, choose to loose 1 lb to a 1.5 a week. Make sure you add the sodium column, you would be surprised on how much sodium you are getting a day. 2500 grams of sodium is recommended limit for daily intake, I try to keep my sodium level under 2000 grams a day. Make sure you hit over 1200 calories a day and as close to the recommended calories per day based on your activities. Choose healthy options when cooking and what your are eating. Note if you eat at restaurants and take out, not everything they say is healthy is actually all that healthy, most restaurants have nutritional information online, so research your favorite restaurants, keeping in mind most of their foods are high in sodium. I have not drunk any soda since April of this year and I don't miss it, I drink mostly water and skim milk. I have been doing this since April and I have lost almost 70 lbs so far. It's a lot of hard work, when I started I measured everything, I still measure meat portions, but with veggies, cereal and stuff, I pretty much know what is what. And I try to plan all my meals out for the day, plug in the numbers before I even get to that meal or snack. Good Luck!! It is very do-able. I have several family members that have used myfitnesspal this year and totally we have lost almost 500 lbs. There is also a book called Eat This, Not That, it was a big eye opener.
  • I got my dairy to open so all suggestions are welcome!!!!

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