Weekends - How to Stay On Track In Your 20s

Hello to my fellow myfitnesspallers!

I recently joined myfitnesspal and have really been enjoying it so far. I am usually pretty good at staying on track during the week by eating well and exercising. But, the weekends tend to be a different story since I am not on such a strict schedule. With all the family gathers, nights out with friends, dinners with the boyfriend, and alcohol consumption it is easy to go over calories, grab that extra slice of pizza, say "let's have another round", or skip the workouts in exchange for a bingefest of Netflix(House of Cards anyone!?).

What are some habits you have formed that are helpful for staying on track while you unwind on the weekends? Any tips or tricks are very much appreciated!

Since I am new, feel free to add me. We can help motivate each other!


  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Hey girl.

    I've cut out sugary drinks. Occasionally I have them. But my drink of choice is Vodka/Club Soda with a lime. Only about 90ish calories.

    If I know I will be having more than just 2-3 drinks and I don't think I can fit it into my daily calories, I just do extra cardio that day. Before my birthday I burned 500 calories which is high for me...and I sure needed it.

    As far as eating out goes. I hear ya. My family gets together on Sundays with my mom making appetizers and homemade meals. I just try to eat the healthier option, or less portions. I always log it though. Some Sundays I don't go over and some I'm over by 400.

    It really balances out though. I eat really well during the week, never going over my limit. So when I look at my weekly totals...I'm still under for the week despite maybe going over 600 calories on Saturday when I went out to dinner or what have you.

    It's all about moderation. Making sure you have the calories to spare to have fun. Or making sure you balance them out a different day that week.

    Still have fun. You are young. & if anyone tells you to stop drinking alcohol...tell me. We are in our 20s....now is the time to drink :)
  • vicksg1973
    Amused by the implicit assumption in your title that people in their 30's, 40's and beyond aren't parting at weekends! I certainly am!

    I try to have 'emergency rations' as much as I can - like egg white omelettes and salads, to desperately save calories for food and wine. Also, try to factor in exercise like dancing rather than sitting - walking to venues instead of getting taxis etc. If you wear an activity monitor like a fitbit you can see easily how all those little things can make a world of difference.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Amused by the implicit assumption in your title that people in their 30's, 40's and beyond aren't parting at weekends! I certainly am!


    One technique I have used is this: eat at a slightly larger deficit during the week, and then eat at maintenance on the weekends. As long as you are in a deficit on average you will do fine. Personally I still try to get in some exercise or activity almost every day.
  • jessmena07
    Forever I would lose 3 lbs during the week and gain it back over the weekend. We do a lot of dinners at friends which includes nibbles and drinks... and we are talking crazy foodie nibbles and a very shameful amount of drinks. I found the successful weekends, I stuck to a more limited amount of drinks by having a water in between and sticking to one kind of drink. Gin and tonic usually. I bring an alternative for the crackers and chips- usually veggies and dip or deviled eggs, meat and cheese tray etc. and also make sure to eat a light breakfast and lunch. It's better to workout in the morning too so you have it already done. I beleive you can be successful having an off day a week but I know that to be untrue for some people.
  • Stephoknee523
    Stephoknee523 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all these fabulous tips so far! Of course people can party at any age. To quote Wayne's World, "Party on, Wayne." :)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    If I don't exercise, eat bad food and drink beer on the weekend (like last weekend) I put on about four pounds. Today is Thursday and I have lost all of it. I was sort of testing to see what would happen. Well I won't be doing that again. If you exercise well you can go up a bit on the calories and be okay. I really use a lot of my exercise calories back up with alcohol so it can be done. And yeah, whats this in your 20's thing, we all have weekends.
  • seansocal
    seansocal Posts: 13 Member
    Medical marijuana has zero calories; way better choice than alcohol. Jus sayin.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    To echo everyone else, I too eat at a larger deficit during the week and eat back those calories on the weekend. It all evens out in the end and I've continued to drop weight. =)

    For instance, this week I have been running from from work and eating salads for lunch to create a deficit of about 200-300 cals a day. Tomorrow is my boyfriends 'beer and pizza' birthday party and i intend to eat/drink back every single one of those banked calories! :wink:

    It's helpful to look at your weekly averages for calories instead of just daily. It gives me better perspective for sure, and I find it more sustainable!
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    I am incredibly strict on the weekdays and give myself a little slack on the weekends. Not saying that I have a crazy amount more or anything but I just don't stress as much about being perfect. I also increase my activities throughout the day (ie yard work, cleaning, pacing while waiting, walking around the mall - anything that isn't sitting!!) as well as my regular workout so that I burn more calories on those days.
  • cebanczak
    I'm also a 20something and lifelong fun-time-haver. =) Besides a previously mentioned reply: drink vodka + club soda which is few calories (great idea! I do that too!).

    I also keep the MyFitnessPal app on my phone. It makes it easy when the gang makes a spontaneous pit stop for food.

    For instance, last weekend my buddies and I hit In-and-Out Burger. (It's a Western US chain that is really more of a cult following ;-) ) I popped open the app, checked a few items and decided on a plain cheeseburger and fries, gave half my fries to my friends (which they considered a victory!) and threw away half the burger to bring my total calorie intake down to 600.

    It keeps you aware, especially if your buddies are chowing down.
  • onlytati
    onlytati Posts: 45 Member
    I too have a hard time staying on track on the weekends, and I appreciate all these tips.
    I work hard on the weekdays to stay on track, and cut myself a little lack on the weekends. This sometimes leads to falling off the wagon. So thanks for the tips.