Who is doing the 21day fix?

I am going to be doing the 21 day fix in april. If you are doing it and want to join me we can keep each other accountable. If you are interested let me know I can tell you all about it. I am so very excited and am hoping to have a few buddies who are doing it with me


  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Please share what it is....
  • Kaliemp
    Kaliemp Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I would like to know what it is too!
  • jencroki
    jencroki Posts: 30
    21 Day fix is a new beachbody program that came one feb 3rd. Is 3 weeks of intense workout complemented with proper nutrition ( portion control eating). For people like me whose struggle with portion control is a hit since the program comes with colored code containers that makes your life easier. Each container represent a food group, you wont count calories (the only time you have to do some math is to calculate your calorie range which determines the amounts of each containers that you can eat during the day) and it comes with a nutrition guide that basically give you a list of food that you can put in each container (since is only one set of containers I use them to measure my food and put it in a big container to take to work on in a plate)...the containers look small but once you put all together on a plate you have quite a bit a food :)

    Containers: Green - Veggies, Purple - fruits, Red - proteins, Yellow - carbs, Blue - Healthy fats, Orange - dressings or seed

    Example: In my case i was in the lower calorie range (1200-1499) and I was allowed to consumed, 3 greens, 2 purple, 4 red, 2 yellows, 1 blue and 1 orange. All that spread through the day in 6 meals. An example of my daily meal was:

    Meal 1: 2 eggs (red), 6 slices turkey ham (red), oatmeal (yellow)
    Meal 2: strawberries and banana (fit in purple container)
    Meal 3: Protein shake with water (Protein is red)
    Meal 4: hummus and celery (blue and green)
    Meal 5: Mixed veggies (2 green containers), chicken breast (red), light dressing
    Meal 6: fruits (purple)

    You are eating every 2-3 hrs so you are eating healthy and plenty, also nothing is out of bounds you can have chocolate, wine etc in moderation, coffee is allowed (2 cups) so you are not limiting to anything :) I finished one round since I'm already on my ideal weight i only lost 3 lbs (You can lose up to 15lbs maybe more I've seeing people losing 6-7lbs per week) but I lost 7 inches total which is a lot 2.5' of waist, so yes it does work :)

    Feel free to ask me questions about it :)
  • mommy_g
    mommy_g Posts: 1
    Where can I find out more info about this program? I'm interested!
  • stacierose777
    stacierose777 Posts: 9 Member
    If you would like we can chat about it by what ever means you would like to . YOU can friend me on facebook if you have an account and we can chat there or through messages here what ever way you would like. my facebook account is Stacie Rose Nelson add me and we can chat for a bit.
  • stacierose777
    stacierose777 Posts: 9 Member
    I hope we can find a group of us to do this together. I need people to hold me accountable and to bounce ideas off from.
  • Missygalamay
    Missygalamay Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all I have a challenge group starting soon if you'd like to join! Let me know:) if love to share my results with you and give the support your looking for!
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    I have the kit, but haven't started yet. I am very excited to!

    I want to host a challenge group soon for folks who want to try it, but I'm not sure when :D Hope you love it! I can let you know when I start a group so that we can all stay accountable together if you want :)

    For those who are interested, if you want to learn more, go ahead and message me on here or you can email me at happyhealthynerdy@gmail.com
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I have the kit. I'm starting april as well. please add me to the group :))