Antidepressants and weight loss



  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    I couldn't lose weight very well without being on and anti-depressant. I have been back on Zoloft for over a year and I have lost over 40lbs. I lost the first 20 without really trying.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Also, vitamins/supplements could potentially help too. I've taken vitamins off and on, but never thought they really did much to alleviate my depression. But very recently, I've noticed an improvement in my mood/energy levels when I take them vs. when I don't take them (I take a multi-vitamin, fish oil, probiotic, vitamin D). But you also have to keep in mind that some things work better in combination with other things- you have to look at the whole picture and take seemingly insignificant things into account. For example, I've noticed that an overabundance of carbs tends to make me more depressed (but too little carbs can also make me depressed or irritable). So you have to find what works best for you. I suggest keeping a journal or log of some sort, because it can be helpful in tracking changes especially when medication is involved.

    One other thing- I've found that the time of day, if you take a medication with food, etc. can influence how it works, so keep that in mind. I've recently found out that taking my meds in the morning a couple hours after breakfast (instead of with breakfast) seems to have the best effect for me. I take my vitamins in the evening with a small snack right before bed. If I take my vitamins with my meds, it decreases the efficacy of the meds. My point is, everyone responds a little bit differently to meds (and a lot of things actually), so keeping track of what works best for you can be helpful.