Back to 75kg and looking for motivation!

Hey all!

So I've been tracking my weight for quite a few months and I've been struggling since I got back from a 6 week trip to the USA. I'm a 21yo guy from Australia who has been struggling with weight for years. I got myself below 73kg but then went on an amazing holiday in the States. Came back at 78kg.

I've finally worked myself to below 75kg again for the first time this morning, but tonight I feel like I've lost all motivation. I am just feeling like I want to drink alcohol and chill out. I've been working full time for a month which is stressful, and finding less time to exercise. When I get home, I need to relax and I'm not eating healthy.

I guess all I'm looking for are people who I can talk utter rubbish to. If they want to listen to me talk about work, about sport, about life, that would be awesome. Most importantly though, I need someone to motivate me into staying in shape - Advice and compliments are what I need :). I've seen the great network on these forums, and would love to get involved!!

Thanks all!
- Nic
