Struggling with a friend



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I get brutally honest with those closest to me...and maybe that's what you need to do if you do want to save this friendship. Why not give it a go, it might be the last straw with you two anyway by the sounds of it.

    A friend of mine used to do every diet thing that came along. She did shakes, then pills, she even bought those "hot pants" and at first I just did the smile and nod thing but then one day, I just shook my head at her and giggled. She was a big hurt but I explained to her - look, it's your money, you spend it however you want but have any of these products actually helped you? Of course the answer was no. And that was what flustered me the most - she's usually VERY thrifty so the fact that she was spending all this money on these products just boggled my mind, even if they were "deals" thorugh Groupon or whatever.

    The other thing that helped get through to her was simply the proof in the pudding. Here I was eating what I liked within calorie limits, getting some activity in and losing just fine - without all the tricks. And she knows I'm not just lucky...if that were true I wouldn't have been obese for all those years. She still comes up with things now and then (the latest was a thought about cleansing SMH) but for the most part she gets that the old fashioned way does work and all that crap isn't necessary.