what % of your bodyweight do you squat?

marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
ok, so I asked a similar question in a related thread (Girls - How heavy do you go for squats?) but figured that it might be more appropriate & that i might get more responses if I start a new thread....

For those that lift heavy, I am curious what weight or percentage of your body-weight you started at, what % are you currently squatting, and how long did it take to get there? Any injuries or setbacks along the way?

From my understanding, the weight one can squat is (at least in part) relative to their body weight. So it is hard for me to get perspective on what the squat weight alone means as far as strength. I know that some people can start out at their body weight or more, but not me. I was at only half of it. So I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone that started out only about 50% of their body-weight, as I did.

( I started the Stronglifts program in November last year. I was only squatting 60lbs. and that was a challenge. In the beginning I never thought i would get up to my bodyweight of 120lbs., but to my surprise i was able to steadily increase the weight each time and by the end of January I was squatting my bodyweight. Unfortunately, right after that injured my back and had to take some time off. I started up again 3 weeks ago and trying to get back to where I was. Yesterday I was able to squat 105 lbs. for 5 sets of 5. I do not know my one rep max)

thanks in advance to anyone who responds :smile:


  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I currently squat 110% of BW. I started with an empty bar, and it felt heavy! I weighed a lot more when I started as well, so it was maybe 20% of my BW?
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Currently, 21% LMAO

    I JUST started SL5x5 last week and started lower than the program suggests because I've never lifted. It should be increasing quickly!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    working weights or 1 RPM??
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    working weights or 1 RPM??

    working weight i guess, i do not even know my 1 rep max. I'm a bit hesitant to try to find out since i am a newbie and I work out alone in the basement.

    I need to read up some more on how to lift safely when you are alone so i can feel more confident. then I will try to find my 1 rep max . (I did but it was months ago. i need a refresher.)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ah mk.

    Um- I'm almost at 100% of body weight- i can go heavier- but currently I'm adding 5 lbs to every lift I do. So I am around 170 and tomorrow's lift will be 165. By the time I'm done it's supposed to be 185/190.

    But i'm kind of on a weird program LOL
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I currently squat 110% of BW. I started with an empty bar, and it felt heavy! I weighed a lot more when I started as well, so it was maybe 20% of my BW?

    ok, great! i'm glad i'm not the only one who started much lighter than what they weigh. I wasn't sure how common that was. seems like you are having no problems progressing so that gives me hope :)

    so how long have you been lifting? did you steadily increase by 5lbs each time or at some point did you have to switch to 2.5lbs?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My wife squats right around BW for sets of 5 and about 1.10 X for sets of 3 and training max is about 1.15 X BW...I would estimate her true 1 RM to be around 1.25 X BW at the moment. She's making great progress...

    ETA: when you're just starting out or have been on hiatus for awhile, you have to go much lighter...that's just common sense. Nobody starts out lifting "heavy" weights...you need to allow your CNS as well as your muscular system (especially the smaller helper muscles, tendons, and ligaments) time to adapt to loads. Nobody walks into the gym after a layoff and starts throwing plates on the barbell.
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    just now on my fourth week of lifting in a 6-month program and I'm at 28.7%
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I currently squat 110% of BW. I started with an empty bar, and it felt heavy! I weighed a lot more when I started as well, so it was maybe 20% of my BW?

    ok, great! i'm glad i'm not the only one who started much lighter than what they weigh. I wasn't sure how common that was. seems like you are having no problems progressing so that gives me hope :)

    so how long have you been lifting? did you steadily increase by 5lbs each time or at some point did you have to switch to 2.5lbs?

    I've been lifting for 1 year now. When I did Stronglifts, I added 5 lbs total every workout, and progressed quickly that way. Eventually, I started stalling and was just bored, so I switched to 5/3/1 and really like that program. I don't add new weight every workout now, but when I do my 5/3/1 day each cycle my lifts are still getting heavier.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    ah mk.

    Um- I'm almost at 100% of body weight- i can go heavier- but currently I'm adding 5 lbs to every lift I do. So I am around 170 and tomorrow's lift will be 165. By the time I'm done it's supposed to be 185/190.

    But i'm kind of on a weird program LOL

    oh, what program are you doing?

    I chose Stronglifts 5x5 because it seemed like a lot of people recommended it as a good starting program. The other one i considered was starting strength.
  • runnergrlfl
    runnergrlfl Posts: 82 Member
    Currently stalled at 116% of BW. Started at ~95lbs since that what was already squatting before SL.

    Been doing SL on and off for about 6 months, but consistently since 2/1.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I currently squat 110% of BW. I started with an empty bar, and it felt heavy! I weighed a lot more when I started as well, so it was maybe 20% of my BW?

    ok, great! i'm glad i'm not the only one who started much lighter than what they weigh. I wasn't sure how common that was. seems like you are having no problems progressing so that gives me hope :)

    so how long have you been lifting? did you steadily increase by 5lbs each time or at some point did you have to switch to 2.5lbs?

    I've been lifting for 1 year now. When I did Stronglifts, I added 5 lbs total every workout, and progressed quickly that way. Eventually, I started stalling and was just bored, so I switched to 5/3/1 and really like that program. I don't add new weight every workout now, but when I do my 5/3/1 day each cycle my lifts are still getting heavier.

    My wife did similar...except she through in some New Rules too...

    I love 5/3/1...best intermediate/advanced program every IMHO.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ah mk.

    Um- I'm almost at 100% of body weight- i can go heavier- but currently I'm adding 5 lbs to every lift I do. So I am around 170 and tomorrow's lift will be 165. By the time I'm done it's supposed to be 185/190.

    But i'm kind of on a weird program LOL

    oh, what program are you doing?

    I chose Stronglifts 5x5 because it seemed like a lot of people recommended it as a good starting program. The other one i considered was starting strength.

    20 rep squat breathing program

    it sucks. I mostly lift on my own- this is the first 'program' I've ever done actually and I did it because it specifically focuses on strength and size.

    Essentially you take your 5 rep max- and you subtract 5 lbs for every workout over the course of 6 weeks- for 3 lifts a week- it's 90 lbs you subtract and just work your way back up.

    it's lame- it sucks- and it's hard. LOL20 reps of anything weight working weight blows monkey chunks.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    My wife squats right around BW for sets of 5 and about 1.10 X for sets of 3 and training max is about 1.15 X BW...I would estimate her true 1 RM to be around 1.25 X BW at the moment. She's making great progress...

    ETA: when you're just starting out or have been on hiatus for awhile, you have to go much lighter...that's just common sense. Nobody starts out lifting "heavy" weights...you need to allow your CNS as well as your muscular system (especially the smaller helper muscles, tendons, and ligaments) time to adapt to loads. Nobody walks into the gym after a layoff and starts throwing plates on the barbell.

    oh, i agree. when i started lifting again I did take it slow & gave my body a chance to adjust. I was so sore the first week back, and my form was iffy. so i started lighter than i probably could have, but was trying to work on making sure i have good form. I'm just now this week starting to feel strong & like i'm fully back into it.

    I think i was just curious to see where others started & how they are progressing. I just honestly had no clue where the average person starts at. but I did find this online just now & i find it helpful:

  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    ah mk.

    Um- I'm almost at 100% of body weight- i can go heavier- but currently I'm adding 5 lbs to every lift I do. So I am around 170 and tomorrow's lift will be 165. By the time I'm done it's supposed to be 185/190.

    But i'm kind of on a weird program LOL

    oh, what program are you doing?

    I chose Stronglifts 5x5 because it seemed like a lot of people recommended it as a good starting program. The other one i considered was starting strength.

    20 rep squat breathing program

    it sucks. I mostly lift on my own- this is the first 'program' I've ever done actually and I did it because it specifically focuses on strength and size.

    Essentially you take your 5 rep max- and you subtract 5 lbs for every workout over the course of 6 weeks- for 3 lifts a week- it's 90 lbs you subtract and just work your way back up.

    it's lame- it sucks- and it's hard. LOL20 reps of anything weight working weight blows monkey chunks.

    20 reps? ugh. i bet that blows. i think i'll stick with strong lifts for now
  • AyeCorona
    AyeCorona Posts: 204 Member
    Currently at 80% of my body weight (130/163) . I started 2 and a half months ago with just the bar so I'm pleased with moving up gradually. No set backs so far (knock on wood), but I stalled at around 100lbs so I could start going deeper. Hope to get to squat my bw by end of summer.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I currently squat 110% of BW. I started with an empty bar, and it felt heavy! I weighed a lot more when I started as well, so it was maybe 20% of my BW?

    ok, great! i'm glad i'm not the only one who started much lighter than what they weigh. I wasn't sure how common that was. seems like you are having no problems progressing so that gives me hope :)

    so how long have you been lifting? did you steadily increase by 5lbs each time or at some point did you have to switch to 2.5lbs?

    I've been lifting for 1 year now. When I did Stronglifts, I added 5 lbs total every workout, and progressed quickly that way. Eventually, I started stalling and was just bored, so I switched to 5/3/1 and really like that program. I don't add new weight every workout now, but when I do my 5/3/1 day each cycle my lifts are still getting heavier.

    My wife did similar...except she through in some New Rules too...

    I love 5/3/1...best intermediate/advanced program every IMHO.

    nice! I was worried about when i start stalling out, knowing that i will lose interest because it won't be fun anymore. Now i know that another option is to switch to 5/3/1. thanks!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Currently at 80% of my body weight (130/163) . I started 2 and a half months ago with just the bar so I'm pleased with moving up gradually. No set backs so far (knock on wood), but I stalled at around 100lbs so I could start going deeper. Hope to get to squat my bw by end of summer.

    Hey, Serena!

    I am also considering staying where i am at for the next session or two. I do not want rushing things & having poor form to put me out of commission again
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ah mk.

    Um- I'm almost at 100% of body weight- i can go heavier- but currently I'm adding 5 lbs to every lift I do. So I am around 170 and tomorrow's lift will be 165. By the time I'm done it's supposed to be 185/190.

    But i'm kind of on a weird program LOL

    oh, what program are you doing?

    I chose Stronglifts 5x5 because it seemed like a lot of people recommended it as a good starting program. The other one i considered was starting strength.

    20 rep squat breathing program

    it sucks. I mostly lift on my own- this is the first 'program' I've ever done actually and I did it because it specifically focuses on strength and size.

    Essentially you take your 5 rep max- and you subtract 5 lbs for every workout over the course of 6 weeks- for 3 lifts a week- it's 90 lbs you subtract and just work your way back up.

    it's lame- it sucks- and it's hard. LOL20 reps of anything weight working weight blows monkey chunks.

    20 reps? ugh. i bet that blows. i think i'll stick with strong lifts for now

    fortunately it's just the squats that are 20 reps- but 20 reps at pretty much body weight is HARD.
    It takes me less than 2 songs to get through (I can't really tell how long it takes to be honest) but I'm warm- I do a thourough warm up- 2 x 8 with the bar, 1 x 6 with 95 and 1 x 3 @ 135- just so I"mnot jumping straight under the bar- but it's not WORK- and I can tell you I'm exerting enough effort in that amount of time to have sweat start dripping- it's insane how silly it is.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    ah mk.

    Um- I'm almost at 100% of body weight- i can go heavier- but currently I'm adding 5 lbs to every lift I do. So I am around 170 and tomorrow's lift will be 165. By the time I'm done it's supposed to be 185/190.

    But i'm kind of on a weird program LOL

    oh, what program are you doing?

    I chose Stronglifts 5x5 because it seemed like a lot of people recommended it as a good starting program. The other one i considered was starting strength.

    20 rep squat breathing program

    it sucks. I mostly lift on my own- this is the first 'program' I've ever done actually and I did it because it specifically focuses on strength and size.

    Essentially you take your 5 rep max- and you subtract 5 lbs for every workout over the course of 6 weeks- for 3 lifts a week- it's 90 lbs you subtract and just work your way back up.

    it's lame- it sucks- and it's hard. LOL20 reps of anything weight working weight blows monkey chunks.

    20 reps? ugh. i bet that blows. i think i'll stick with strong lifts for now

    fortunately it's just the squats that are 20 reps- but 20 reps at pretty much body weight is HARD.
    It takes me less than 2 songs to get through (I can't really tell how long it takes to be honest) but I'm warm- I do a thourough warm up- 2 x 8 with the bar, 1 x 6 with 95 and 1 x 3 @ 135- just so I"mnot jumping straight under the bar- but it's not WORK- and I can tell you I'm exerting enough effort in that amount of time to have sweat start dripping- it's insane how silly it is.

    that does sound really hard. i don't know if your profile pic was before or after that crazy program but you look amazing