I NEED HELP, SALTY PIRATES - Low Blood Sugar While Dieting?


i am a former fitness competitor who competed in October. i am currently trying to drop the 8 pounds that i have put on since my show and get back to at least my homeostasis weight. While understanding that i have certainly put on some muscle during off season there is some fat that i need to burn off. So i started up dieting again to suit my macros and micros but much like during competition prep i am running into a huge problem. i hit a slump, a major wall, a state of confusion, extreme irritability mid afternoon. my eyes go blood shot and burn, my brain is foggy. by night time i cannot sleep, feel wired and then i will wake up without being able to go back to bed. its literally debilitating. i sometimes get temporary night time blindness in one eye if i look at my phone in the dark and then shut it off after these episodes.... and the fat loss is at a stand still. i am eating every three hours on the nose and my macros are 40P, 30C, 20F and the only thing that i can think of is that my blood sugar drops substantially. I am not having any added sugar throughout the day, and i dont currently eat fruit. i am however confused because based on what i am reading these drops in blood sugar typically come from a high carb meal or lunches, which i never have during the week. i only have been re feeding with complex carbs on the my allotted day on Monday, and typically dont feel this way until about Wednesday. and some of my symptoms are signs of other problems with metabolism and blood sugar levels.. i have had fasted blood work done and everything came back normal. but it was always taken around nine am after 12 hours of fasting overnight. I only start to feel this way by mid afternoon. i guess im just wondering if someone can shed some light on what is happening to me, if anyone else feels this way or has these symptoms...and what a girls got to do fix this? do i need to have a juice box on hand, or is it something else? It so frustrating because i know it can deter progress in weight loss if your blood sugar isnt balanced and more importantly really mess with insulin levels. Obvs im going back to the doctor because these symptoms are severe.. but any insight would be totally boss of you guys! thanks A milli



  • stephaniemarie416
    stephaniemarie416 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm sad that no one answered your question. I have had similar symptoms to yours recently and have gone in for tests at my clinic and have had no lucking finding out what's wrong :( I hope you are feeling better!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Get a $15 blood glucose meter with some test strips and measure your fasting blood sugar in the morning, then 30/60/90/120 mins after a meal, then when these "events" happen and you feel crap.

    That'll give you and the doc something to go on.

    But do see the doctor with symptoms like temporary loss of vision.