
I am currently a mother of a busy two year old and also work full time so trying to lose weight in the past has never been a top priority for me. I am now at the point in my life where its time for a change. I need to focus on myself to make me feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally. My weight has always fluctuated and before pregnancy I weighed a healthy 155lbs and was in a size 10 which was perfect for my frame as I am 5'7, anytime I got smaller I was sickly looking. During my pregnancy I gained almost 70lbs and I lost 30 of those pounds but then gained 10 more and I am now 200lbs and in a size 14/16 which is the biggest I have ever been. Ive crashed dieted and that works for a while and the pounds come back fast once you start eating out, junk food, etc. I am not looking for a quick fix this time, I want to do this right so I can maintain this weight and begin a new healthier lifestyle. I am currently working out at least 30 mins 7 days a week and I am using Lean Shakes 25 to supplement for a meal and to keep me fuller longer which is still providiing me with plenty of nourishment along with healthy snacks in between which I never use to do. My main goal is to lose 40lbs the healthy way that will work with my work and family life. Looking at everyones photos and stories on here give me motivation that has been in hiding behind my "I just had a baby" excuse. I'm excited for this journey and I am looking forward to sharing it with you!