Recovering from ED, starting to weight-train/lift!!

Hi everyone ^.^ I've struggled with anorexia and bulimia for the past three years, and have just recently physically recovered. I'm weight-restored now from a really bad bout of anorexia in which I dropped below 100lbs. I am almost 110lbs now and have let go of wanting to be sickly skinny. there is no point in being thin, "perfect", or "in control" if I'm miserable and calorie-obsessed. I'd rather be strong, healthy, happy, and able to enjoy food.

For a while my whole friend-list was filled with people who promoted disordered eating, and I've finally deleted all of the triggering accounts. now I'm looking for people who are wanting to be strong and healthy to add, so we can support and motivate each other ^.^ new friends are nice as well!!

Add me @koreadarling !