Hello! New to the Boards

I started using MFP a few weeks ago when I updated my phone to an Android. Between the phone app and the site online, it has become so much easier to log a food diary! I used to work in a cubicle, so it was very easy to set aside time to color-code and document all of my meals and calories. But in the last year, I quit my job and returned to school to pursue a Culinary Arts degree. Let me tell you, it may not have been the best decision in regards trying to change eating habits and striving for a healthier lifestyle! It's been QUITE the challenge! Definitely on my way though! Becoming very aware of what I'm putting in my body, and trying to choose food that will work as fuel for my body, as well as tasty for my cravings. Starting to try and add a couple workouts a week, with the plan on making workouts a regularly scheduled event.

Some of my biggest obstacles are:
1) I have trouble believing that my body will every be different than how it is now. I have quite broad shoulder and "child-bearing hips" and can't imagine ever having a slender figure. Have always been the curvy girl. Working on changing that way of thinking and trying to visualize a fit, toned, HEALTHY version of myself.
2) Alcohol. All those empty calories! Although I've been able to fend off my natural "meat-and-potatoes-type-of-gal" upbringing, the beer-guzzlin' gal has not been put to rest. And I've certainly started "rocking the beer gut" in the last couple of years. It's not pretty. So, that will definitely be one thing I must overcome.

Any and all support is welcome, as I will be happy to lend an ear, advice, support, etc!


  • bobball
    Many people (most in fact) have fat distributed everywhere on their bodies not just on the hips or gut. One of the first places I lost it was my shoulders, arms and under my arms.
    I can see how your choices to be in the kitchen a lot could be hurtful to your efforts...I recommend more exercise and learning some great ways to cook low fat and low cal.

    Its all very simple, learn what you burn, and eat slightly less than that. If you eat too much....work out. It works. But it is a lifestyle change and takes a long time....just like it takes a long time to get out of shape.