At what weight will I look 'slim'?

I apologise in advance if this is a stupid question, and of course I understand that every body is different, and I also understand that muscle plays a large part in how much one weighs.

Basically, I'm 4'11"/5'. I've lost 30lbs so far, and at the beginning of my weight loss 'journey' I was sure that I'd be nicely slim 30 pounds down. I currently weigh 121.5, the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult. My BMI is now in the 'healthy' range but I'm not too sure I trust it. I'm not slim, at all, and I even sometimes question my scales-even though I have gone down two dress sizes...

Any input would be helpful :)


  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    That depends upon your natural body shape, and, even more so, what your definition of "slim" is. If you mean "not fat, but curves like a woman", you're probably pretty much there. If you mean "runway model thin...basically a boy with breasts", you'll have to get down into the unhealthy BMI range (say, another 25 pounds). I would think at your current BMI,, another 10 pounds would easily make heads turn, if they're not already.

    OTOH, if you've got an image problem (and, unfortunately, far too many girls and women do), you'll never be thin enough in your own eyes. Hopefully that's not the case.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Well I wouldn't say this is a stupid question at all, no need to be that harsh on yourself. I would say though that the word "slim" is pretty subjective and based on impression much more than actual fitness or health. Some may consider you slim, some may not and chances are you are harder on yourself than most people since that is usually how it goes.

    To be fit as a woman, which is what I am assuming you mean by slim, you'd want to be in the low 20%'s of bodyfat (like in the 20-25% range) Below 20% you are athletic and below 15% you are starting to starve yourself a bit.

    Your %bodyfat is much more telling about your level of fitness (or slimness) than your overall weight. You can get a rough estimate of your %bodyfat with a tape measurer just measuring at your waist and hips. Try that out and see what you are at.

    Keep in mind a tape-measured bodyfat is a pretty rough estimate but it might give you some idea of where you are at and where you want to be.

    Hope that helps.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What hill8570 said about image problem is why I was reluctant to tell you to just lose weight until you think yourself slim, sometimes that day never comes because you can easily trick yourself into thinking that if you can pinch a roll on your belly when you are bent over that you are somehow fat.

    Slim is subjective, percent bodyfat is not. Use something concrete if you care about your health.
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    Let me start by saying how beautiful you look. The boys are right, it is subjective and ever changing. I have been much slimmer/thinner in the past than i am now and at the time considered myself FAT! When i look back i cant believe i thought that about my body. Also the comment about body fat % is a good way to gauge your overall slimness. I would say that even the BMI scales online are very vague and best get it measured properly at the gym. I now like my body for the first time in a long time and i am now just trying to lose the last layers of fat off my abs and get my overall health and fitness as high as i can. When you are fit and healthy you feel good about yourself regardless of what the scales say. Find a good exercise regime that you enjoy and get fit and be happy. Peace X