High expectations...



  • Naseer787
    Naseer787 Posts: 33 Member
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Maybe next time ask your husband to make part of it a veggie pizza. That is what we do now when we have pizza, and my husband even asked me to do the whole pizza veggie. We don't miss the meat and I put on just a small amount of cheese. Lowers the calories and fat and I fit it in to my calories for the day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Maybe next time ask your husband to make part of it a veggie pizza. That is what we do now when we have pizza, and my husband even asked me to do the whole pizza veggie. We don't miss the meat and I put on just a small amount of cheese. Lowers the calories and fat and I fit it in to my calories for the day.

    there is nothing wrong with meat on pizza, protien is a building block of macros with the protien.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    No...i do not understand. You can have pizza still - pizza has the potential to be very healthy, especially home made! 60 days to fit into something sexy is silly - what difference does it make how long it takes you to get to your goal weight? Just know that as long as if you dont totally give up, one day you will get to your goal.
    I'm extremely impatient. Lol.

    You can't be or you will get nowhere. This process takes time.

    There's no reason you can't eat pizza. I eat it all the time. Is it possible your calorie goal is too low? Restricting your diet too much isn't necessary, plus you just quit smoking. Cut yourself some slack.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    No...i do not understand. You can have pizza still - pizza has the potential to be very healthy, especially home made! 60 days to fit into something sexy is silly - what difference does it make how long it takes you to get to your goal weight? Just know that as long as if you dont totally give up, one day you will get to your goal.
    I'm extremely impatient. Lol.

    Losing weight in a healthy manner takes patience! Placing yourself on a strict diet, so strict that you freak out over the thought of eating pizza, is a good way to make yourself burn out. Relax. Count your calories. Eat what you would like to eat as long as it fits into your goal. Actually, if you want it, MAKE it fit into your goal! Don't deprive yourself! That's why many dieters aren't successful.
  • qb63
    qb63 Posts: 88 Member
    I agree with the others, patience! Unless you have less than 10 or 15 pounds to lose, it is likely going to take more than 60 days. I lost 10 pounds the first two weeks, and then settled into a 1-1 1/2 pounds per week, which is all that you are likely to lose unless you are starting out with 50+ pounds to lose.

    Having the mindset that it will happen in 60 days will only set you up for failure if it doesn't happen.

    Good luck and don't forget to enjoy the journey!
  • kerryradz
    kerryradz Posts: 81 Member

    If you are really concerned with going over your calories etc. try and focus more on your weekly calorie intake instead of each day. Some days you'll be over and some days you'll be under so it eventually evens out. It's good to treat yourself and pizza can be healthy if it's homemade and you top it right, think yourself lucky you have a partner that cooks for you! Don't beat yourself up, to maintain weight loss you need to have treats and not restrict your diet too much otherwise you won't keep it up and more likely to binge when you do have 'naughty' foods.

    Chin up, today is a new day :)
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    I understand perfectly. I had such a good day yesterday....then mother in law makes lasagna. How can I just say "no, ill make a salad or eggs instead" ... it seriously gets to me!
  • hollymccall
    hollymccall Posts: 88 Member
    I see what everyone is saying. But I'm just a very determined person, when I set out to do something, I give it my all.
    I wanted to be healthier and quit smoking, so I stopped cold turkey. I have not picked up a cigarette since. Yes, it's only been two weeks since I quit smoking but I've done it and I'm going to continue to be a non smoker.

    I want to be healthy, and I want to look good, I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.

    that's why I'm saying that I have high expectations...however, I appreciate everyone's on Mfp for helping me understand that it's not the end of the world that I ate some pizza last night. it's actually motivated me to put it behind me and continue my journey.