KetoDiet and Appetite

Hello relatively new to MFP and am currently on a keto diet am losing a good amount of weight and feel great about it have been doing cardio pretty much day in day out excluding Sunday usually a 60 min walk at 3.0 with 15% incline or 30 min incline walk with 30 mins of lite jogging. my fear however is I think I may be losing muscle mass when my goal here is to try to keep my weight loss as close as I can to all fat tried doing a little digging online to see what I could find on the subject I came up with this if you don't feel like reading it that's fine but the just of it is that cardio DOES NOT make you lose muscle but it CAN if you happen to not be consuming the right amount of calories. so that brings me to the topic at hand if this is the case and I do need to consume more calories how do I even go about doing that in ketosis I rarely feel hungry and MFP set me with a 1880 caloric goal for the day and im barely getting 1250 and thats without me adding what I burnt in my workout. Any advice? Is it possible that I'm losing muscle? I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question very new to all this and If I'm working out and dieting as good as I am now I definitely dont want that to go to waste by burning the good stuff in my body


  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    It is possible you are losing muscle. I do Keto as well. i am curious what you are eating to only do 1250. Fat, which should be your primary macro is calorie dense. You may need to add very calorie dense foods that are safe for keto. Try almonds, 1/3 of a cup is 330 calories. 1/3 of a cup can fit in your hand.

    Personally Id take that cardio time and put it towards weight training. But that is just me. what you are doing is also fine.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Two things that have been shown to reduce loss of muscle or maintain while in a calorie deficit are (1) lifting heavy (Starting Strength, Strong lifts, etc.) and (2) sufficient protein intake (there is a debate about what that is, but I opt for 0.7 g per lb body weight). If you're trying to preserve as much muscle as possible, I think it would be best to do serious heavy lifting and sprint sessions rather than the cardio you're currently doing -- that's just my recommendation.