Changed my eating, now stomach is hurting...

Binnee95 Posts: 93 Member
Hi everybody,
I hope this is the right forum for this...

I have been eating better for three months and for about three weeks my stomach has begun hurting like I have an ulcer!
I hardly have fast food anymore, I barely eat any snacks, and I have decreased my calories. Eating a lot more fruit and vegetables with lean protein or pasta. I still have a sweet here or there as I just can't seem to shake my sweet tooth.

I purchased some vitamins but I have taken vitamins before without too much trouble. Maybe with less food the vitamins are hurting my stomach? Also been eating more nuts, but I also have never had any problem with that before.

I went to the doctor and got blood taken and was put on Nexium, but so far it is not working. Even water seems to upset my stomach! All of this makes me nervous as my father died from pancreatic cancer almost two years ago.

Long story short, (too late), has anybody had any stomach issues when they started to eat better?


  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    My experience with diet changes is they mostly cause bloating/excess gas. Have you tried anything like gas x or beano? What kind of vitamins are you taking? Besides just nausea, are you having any other symptoms?
  • juliacatherine1
    juliacatherine1 Posts: 71 Member
    Well 2 things.
    You said you recently started taking a vitamin. I used to be able to take them with no problem. As I got older, I found I cannot take them without feeling very sick. I switched to the gummy ones and It seems to have solved the problem.

    You also said you are eating healthier? Thats great! But sometimes the healthier stuff requires more water to process efficiently, like the fiber. Drink minimum 8 glasses a day.
  • Binnee95
    Binnee95 Posts: 93 Member
    It wasn't so much nausea as a feeling like a fist was in the middle of my upper stomach and a gnawing, hungry feeling.
    I was trying to take two vitamins- one a hair/nails/skin vitamin which contained a lot of biotin and B vitamins and a Omega-3 supplement since I can't stand fish. It stinks because it was an Omega-3 supplement that was promoted as not hard on the stomach.
    I have not had bread for two days and not taken the vitamins and do feel a bit better. Not eating that and taking the Nexium seems to be helping.
    I increased my water intake too. Haven't gotten my blood results back yet but hopefully just these changes will do the trick. Perhaps it is just the beginning of an ulcer.
    Thank you so much for your responses!
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    sounds like an ulcer to me,,I have one,I cannot eat most raw veggies besides lettuce,pretty much any thing else can set it off,I cannot do citrus,at all! nor most nuts and seeds,,I can do almonds but maybe a handful a couple times a week.No hot salsa or spicy,peppery things.Nothing deep fried,I dont eat much bread or pasta anyway so they are not a problem unless the bread is a real nutty,seedy multigrain type,I can tho thank God still drink coffee and eat chocolate! I take Shakle and GNC vitamins and dont have any problem with them,I do also take Shaklee pre and probiotics,,this has helped a bunch!