HI new

txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I been kinda looking around here for a week... I am 21 (or will be tomorrow on my bday)and a mom I had a little boy back on aug.2 who is life.... I am just started working out again.. I am not jumping straight into you know full in because i alwasy quit when I do that right now. I reduceing slowly over time to switch to a healthy lifestyle... I have started watching my portions but not calorie counting.. because i use to snack all the time and so this is good for me to control myself... I have also switch to diet drinks and kool-aid because the only thing i ever drank was regular soda because it was convinent..... another thing is I walk 3 day a week for 30 minutes and a distance of one mile I am so proud of myself... I am trying to get down to a healthy weight so when my little boy gets old I can chase after him... right now I am 217 since last week maybe of gained water weight this week don't know because of girl things...sorry if tmi.. Well I want to be 140 because right now I get so out of breath trying to run... I don't know how I would ever be able to catch him.. Its hard for me to even go up and down stairs at my college without getting out of breath...I hope I can find some friends on here to motivate me and keep me going and to get tips and info from..So simply "HI"


  • I just joined myfitnesspal last week, my best friend and her fiance told me about it and I decided to give it a try. I am 42 years old and my daughter is three years old. I lost 20 lbs for my wedding after I had the baby with the slim 6 exercise CD. After my wedding I have been on a roller coaster ride with my weight. I weigh 196 and I am trying to get down to 150. I think realizing you need to loose weigh is a big step. Just like you, I get tired and out of breath and it is not a good feeling at all. I can hear myself snoring when I am sleeping which it scared me when I first heard myself. I never use to snore so I was like OMG!!!! I think you are on the right track taking it slow. If you have big expectations to lose weight quickly you may loose it but gain it all back again. It is healthier to loose weight slowly. I wish you luck and if mess up a day don,t beat yourself up just start again the next day.
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