new here and need help encouragement and advice and friends

Two month ago i decided to change my life when i stepped on the scale and it read 341lbs. All i could do was cry and curse myself as to why did i do this to myself. I was a horrible eater all i ate was fast food i would skip breakfast lunch and at night after work eat and then hop right into bed. And soda? Well that on the other hand i think was the worst habit a 2 liter a day by my self so i made the decision to make small changes first so i cut out all soda and for the past month i have gradually increased the changes to eating differently and began to weigh my food change to olive oil and recently i joined the gym but with all this said im still afraid to fail i read about this site through Google actually lol but basically im looking for friends that understand and that can relate to my struggles with please and thanls and sorry for such a long post:-)


  • sarahcs424
    sarahcs424 Posts: 46 Member
    Friend me :) I've been using this site for about 3 years and have lost 40 lbs. I fell off for awhile and have gained some. I want to lose another 30+ lbs to get to my goal. I really need help and encouragement too. Hopefully we can help each other out.