Does strength training actually work?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You can lose a fair bit of weight when cooking meat, so best to make sure you match when you weigh it with the food you've got in MFP.

    agreed..most of my entries say "cooked" as I cook for 3 and can't guarantee I will get the piece I weigh...

    ETA: and when I make the burgers 4 oz raw the boys are not happy with the teeny tiny cooked burgers..and neither am I...
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    So in addition to following my 1lb deficit here on MFP, I'm now into my second week doing the Body by You (YAYOG for women) bodyweight training in addition to my walking (fitbit). I am doing this as I am about 20 lbs away from my ultimate goal and want to really work on body recomposition. (belly, arms, thighs) I still have a good layer of fat in these areas that I do not like. I am upping my protein some but should eat more really.

    Am I going about this the right way to see the results I want, continued weight loss and better body comp when I reach my goal weight?
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    OK the #1 thing I'm going to ask you is.... are you eating more on lifting days/getting plenty of protein?? That will definately have an impact on the results you see.

    I've been doing NROLFW since November and although the weight is really hanging on for dear life I have noticed a HUGE change in my body composition.... I've lost like 7inches. I'm the same size now that I was when I was 18lbs lighter. My advice is (in addition to the make sure you're eating enough and getting that protein on lifting days) keep at it.... what kind of weight are you using? Make sure you are challenging yourself with every phase of the program.

    Good luck!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Yes it works. I'm 5'4", although I've been doing strength training for over a year, within the last month I've increased my calories to 2,000/day (though I rarely reach that, but I try to come close) increased protein and increased the amount of weight I lift. I've lost BF%, not a lot, but enough to let me know what I'm doing is working and I'm losing inches, starting to notice my pants have a little more room in them. I still do cardio (cuz I love cardio) just cut it to shorter sessions. I've also started to notice (dare I say) a thigh gap.
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    Because I never get tired of posting it....

    Same woman in all three pics. On the left, at her goal weight. On the right, after a heavy lifting program. Even though she weighs less on the left, she looks better on the right.


    I've seen this before. And I am bumping this for later inspiration.