Anyone else work where their is a delicious cafeteria on sit



  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Ha-ha! This might work as I get creeped out by most things. Like if I see someone touch a bowl of pretzels or whatever with their bare hands-not eating that.
    Someone flip their hair by the food-not eating it
    someone coughing or sneezing-not eating

    I'm going to try that today. Someone bought in brownies (and since I can't stand this person I know I won't eat those. Also red velvet cake. Think blood, think poo (yes it's working).
    I can almost 1 up you on this.
    I am the resident baker of the office goodies.
    Which means that I KNOW what is in the office and when.
    It is a long story as to how I got this job. But it is mine.
    Yeah me...
    However...When it comes to the goodies in the office I play a little game with my
    head, that I called gross out.
    Each time I think of the cake that I brought for someones birthday or something special in the office,
    Or that someone else brought. I think of the most disgusting thing that I can think of when the temptation starts to get to me.
    IE: Last week was Admin Day and I brought in cake and so did a few others.
    SO, I pictured my butt in a skin tight swimsuit. :tongue: If that did not do it, then I pictures a kitty litter box, ANYTHING that would make my tummy turn eqach time the thought of...
    Ther's CAAAaaaaake in the Breakroom. comes to mind.
    This does however have a small advers effect if I have my imagination get the better of me, and that is that I am not hungry for lunch eigther. So I am only able to eat a small salad.
    I do not know if this will work for you but it might be worth a shot. The human brain can do a LOT for you if you give it the right clues as to what you want or do not want.
    BTW, you are no more obligated to eat the B-Day cake in the break room then you are to invite your boss to dinner every night next week.
    People are not keeping score of who ate what.