Motivation while on vacation

Going on vacation soon and I was wondering how do you stay motivated to continue your exercise routine and healthy eating habits while on vacation?


  • tallmominfl
    tallmominfl Posts: 20 Member
    Great topic!

    I have a 7 and 8 year old and bringing them on my walks is .... well, lol. We have the "insanity" DVD, and people have told me to let them do it with me. I tried that once, maybe I gave up too soon! :)

    Try to incorporate the kids into your fitness plan and if you explain to them you are trying to be more healthy with this lifestyle change so you can do more fun things with them, they usually jump on board... for a few minutes a day anyway!

    Good Luck!
  • Whyareyoumad
    Whyareyoumad Posts: 268 Member
    If you are staying in a hotel, check out the fitness room and see what they what they have. I never find the free weights I want, but all usually have cardio machines. Get up early before the family and get a good 30 minutes in and you can be back to start the day.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Great ideas, thanks!!!!
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    If you are staying in a hotel, check out the fitness room and see what they what they have. I never find the free weights I want, but all usually have cardio machines. Get up early before the family and get a good 30 minutes in and you can be back to start the day.

    I will also add that normally, while I'm on vacation, I get in more exercise just because of all the walking and active things that I do. If you are staying home and it's just a matter of balancing kids, home, and your routine, I would say to stick to what you've been doing...step it up a notch.... find "Me" time... whether that means getting up earlier than everyone else, or staying up later than everyone. I've always been told that we find time for what we find important.... YOU are important my friend! :flowerforyou:
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    As others have said, check out if there is a gym or make some time to go swimming before the pool gets busy or go for a walk.

    It depends on the type of holiday, you may be more active anyway swimming in the sea, walking and running around after children all day (if applicable). My next holiday is a walking holiday in Scotland and I can eat with impunity, considering the amount of exercise I will be doing.

    Generally though, I wouldn't worry about food. Perhaps if there's a buffet or it's an all inclusive hotel, I'd make sure I really was hungry before eating or going up for another helping and not eat just because the food is there, but beyond that, I'd be quite relaxed about it. Especially if you're going to have access to foreign food or if you're going somewhere well known for a specific food/delicacy. But I am something of a glutton :laugh:

    Enjoy yourself!
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    No I do do any workouts whilst on holiday. Only walking about the place. Holidays are about excess, then start again when you get back.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    I went to Disney in December with a paid-for dining plan and nothing but good intentions. It lasted a day. I had a blast, and then I came back and worked it off over the next 3-4 weeks. I don't regret a thing, and some of my fondest memories were the delicious food I had. I got back, got back on track, am I am now the lowest I've been in 8 years. Just enjoy yourself. Live life ! Have fun !
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    If your hotel doesn't have a gym room (or it's crappy) look up:

    It has a TON of excellent body weight exercises and is best of all :FREE.

    As far as motivation to stay on target, I think that would be easy: You're on vacation- look at everything you feel more comfortable doing now then you did before. Or remind yourself that the best way to enjoy yourself is to feel good and (hopefully) you now know you feel best when you're exercising and eating healthy.

    See what your maintenance calorie level is and try to stick with that so that you can indulge more than normal without going overboard.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I just try to do lots of active things-- snorkeling, biking, hiking etc. Then I just keep an eye on my eating but I don't strictly track. Last time I went on vacation I ended up gaining less than a pound of actual fat, once the water retention had a chance to shake itself out.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Vacation should be about relaxing, for sure. BUT, you can't lose sight of your ultimate goals. Do you want to completely wreck weeks/months of hard work, just so you can indulge far too much? To me, exercising while on vacation isn't punishment at all...I find I can exercise freely and maybe try some new routines that keep it interesting. It also makes drinking tons of booze and eating decadent foods not nearly so damaging to your long-term life change.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Going on vacation soon and I was wondering how do you stay motivated to continue your exercise routine and healthy eating habits while on vacation?

    For me, it is part of my I have no problem just doing it.

    I have been in a weight room for almost 20 yrs now.....I start getting cranky if I go more than 3 days without the gym
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Vacation should be about relaxing, for sure.

    Very true.

    It also helps if you find exercising relaxing and enjoyable.....

    I feel great when I am in the gym.....95% of the time
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I'm going on vacation in a few weeks. I'm going to 1.) enjoy my vacation 2.) not stress out over food, and enjoy the food on vacation 3.) if I feel like going out and being active, I'm going to do that. If I feel like doing nothing but laying by the pool, I'm going to do that. I am on vacation afterall, so I'm going to do whatever brings me the most pleasure.

    When I get back from vacation, I'll resume normal activities-- because I won't be on vacation anymore.
  • Twisted_Wrister
    Twisted_Wrister Posts: 762 Member
    Agree with a lot of the above! If I'm at a hotel, I get up early and use their fitness center. I spend a week camping every Summer, (no hotel gym obviously), so I get up early and I run through the campground. Nothing crazy, just about 5k. I brought my 10lb medicinie ball as well and did ab work when I got back to the campsite. Like what was said above, it's just part of my lifestyle now and I don't consider it punishment. It offsets the fact that I'm out of my normal eating/drinking routine.
  • janicearyan
    janicearyan Posts: 5 Member
    I always look up online to see where there is a gym close by... Then pay the day fee there. better to keep to your routine.. I enjoy working out so doing it while on vacation is just part of my day.. Enjoy!!
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    I just got back from a vacation, and my attitude was one of indulgence.

    My weight loss plan is 2 pounds a week, so a deficit of 1000 cals. While on vacation, I still logged, but set my goal to gain no more than 1 pound. This gave me 1500 more calories per day than normal, which was plenty.

    Any devoted exercise I did I considered simply countermeasures to the weight gain, and didn't eat it back. Some days I got out and walked. Other days I didn't. I didn't let it bother me.

    This morning I weighed in, having been back on the loss plan for a full week. Success! Over the 2 weeks, I lost 1 pound total. That means my goal of gaining one pound on vacation and losing 2 the following week was met.

    In June, for my next vacation, I should be at my goal weight. During that week I won't track at all, and indulge. I'll also be doing more active things (amusement parks, walking Chigago) to counter. One week after I get back, I'll weigh in. If I need to drop a couple of pounds to get back to my goal, no problem. I'll do a 500 deficit until I do. But I'll enjoy my vacation fully.

    That's my attitude.
  • ellenmg
    ellenmg Posts: 26 Member
    Same for me - going on vacation soon, hotel for a few days then a cruise. I plan to do just a quick 20-30 minute walk on a treadmill each or every other morning. Just trying to get it in will make me feel like I'm at least doing something. But like other people said, hopefully your vacation can include some activities - swimming, tennis, walks, any other games, golf even. Enjoy your vacation!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I am usually so busy having fun, climbing lighthouses, touring the town on foot, dancing and just generally being very active that exercise is not the problem. I do have to make sure I keep to my portion sizes but there too, I am usually so busy I don't get a chance to snack or eat besides meals. Have fun and enjoy.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Awesome!! I plan on enjoy it as much as I can; thanks for all the suggestions!!!! Will make an effort to get some exercise.