Breakfast at Work



  • hei_ma_ma
    hei_ma_ma Posts: 61 Member
    I think I am just confused somewhat because I work in a really laid back environment and no one cooks/eats breakfast at work...but in the past I worked mostly in more corporate, stuffy offices and there was NO WAY anyone was going to do that. What if your boss walked in? Or a customer/client (if you served clients)?

    I am an exempt employee so I'm not paid by the hour. I am paid to do my work, whether it takes 40 hours a week or more. If I were paid hourly I probably would not eat at my desk. I don't have customers and clients make appointments. My boss doesn't care.

    Also I prefer to eat breakfast at work because the later I eat breakfast the later I get hungry again. Today I ate breakfast at home at 6 am and now it's 9:30 am and my stomach is growling and I'm starving. If I eat at 8:30 am that doesn't happen until 11:30 am.

    I almost always eat a cup of Fage Total 2%, 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries, and 1/2 cup of Uncle Sam cereal. It only fills me up for about 2 hours even though it has 24 grams of protein. I don't get it!!!
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I think I am just confused somewhat because I work in a really laid back environment and no one cooks/eats breakfast at work...but in the past I worked mostly in more corporate, stuffy offices and there was NO WAY anyone was going to do that. What if your boss walked in? Or a customer/client (if you served clients)?

    I do understand a boiled egg or a granola bar...but actually prepping and cooking AT work?
    I work in IT and most of us eat at our desks. We don't interact with people except when we leave to go to them 99% of the time. Pretty much always been like that on my IT jobs. Just to give you an idea of an office job where this would happen. We have a toaster, microwave and fridge, cupboards, k-cup machine etc.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    I used to bring hard boiled eggs with me to the office, and keep frozen Morningside Farms veggie sausage patties in the office freezer. Pop one of those babies right in the toaster, no worries! They're pretty tasty.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think I am just confused somewhat because I work in a really laid back environment and no one cooks/eats breakfast at work...but in the past I worked mostly in more corporate, stuffy offices and there was NO WAY anyone was going to do that. What if your boss walked in? Or a customer/client (if you served clients)?

    I do understand a boiled egg or a granola bar...but actually prepping and cooking AT work?
    I work in IT and most of us eat at our desks. We don't interact with people except when we leave to go to them 99% of the time. Pretty much always been like that on my IT jobs. Just to give you an idea of an office job where this would happen. We have a toaster, microwave and fridge, cupboards, k-cup machine etc.

    I should let this topic die since it's way more common than I thought to prep/eat on the job. But when I worked in the aforementioned social services office where everyone was banned from prepping and eating breakfast at work, we had all of the above plus a restaurant kitchen (two huge refrigerators, six burner stove & oven, dishwasher, etc)! Maybe that was part of the We had that for clients to relearn cooking techniques after a brain injury or recent amputation, and for large community dinners and such. But case workers were using it to cook up eggs & bacon at 8:25 AM.
  • LaLa_Ventura
    LaLa_Ventura Posts: 94 Member
    I keep Fiber ONe cereal at my desk and almond milk in the fridge. Sometimes I'll leave the amond milk at home and just put some in a glass bottle and bring it with me. I have my measuring cups at work too. 10g of fiber in one cup of cereal...can't beat it.
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a big fan of two different things for breakfast:

    A toasted whole wheat bagel (find one with the least calories and the most protein- I like Bubba's) with a bit of peanut butter and a banana sliced up on top. Mine comes out to 12.5 g of protein and about 420 calories, but it keeps you full till lunch!

    Greek yogurt (one with as little added sugar as possible- I bought Chobani Simply 100 vanilla) with some peanut butter or PB2 mixed in and some yummy crunchy granola on top. This is generally about 24 g of protein for me.

    Hard boiled eggs are good too! :)

    Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I deleted my original response because I realized I sounded like THE biggest jerk.

    This probably still will...but seriously...why is it necessary to cook and eat breakfast at work?

    I'm being serious. Is there some bizarre issue that prevents you from waking earlier? Do you work super weird hours?

    I have an incredibly hard time waking up on time- i think I'm up to 4 alarms at this point.
    I am very busy and never get enough sleep- I rarely sleep in ever- and I am practically deaf when I sleep.
    If I ate breakfast at home- I'd be an hr late - instead of 20 minutes.

    I cook my eggs the night before pack everything and eat at work. Otherwise- I keep cereal at my desk and milk in the fridge. I have my cereal while I'm drinking coffee and checking email- I don't see the issue.

    We all snack all day long. I don't understand why seeing people eat is a crisis- who cares- we have to eat- do you get upset if she catches you drinking water or your morning coffee?
    Its' not like you were having sex on your desk.

    And besides- why not- my old office had a full kitchenette- fresh cooked food tastes about a million times better than re-heated food. granted we didn't use it to cook constantly- only special occasions- but we would use teh stove to reheat pizza- and do some basic prep work. Everything else I think most everyone is doing at home and bringing to work.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I think I am just confused somewhat because I work in a really laid back environment and no one cooks/eats breakfast at work...but in the past I worked mostly in more corporate, stuffy offices and there was NO WAY anyone was going to do that. What if your boss walked in? Or a customer/client (if you served clients)?

    I do understand a boiled egg or a granola bar...but actually prepping and cooking AT work?
    I work in IT and most of us eat at our desks. We don't interact with people except when we leave to go to them 99% of the time. Pretty much always been like that on my IT jobs. Just to give you an idea of an office job where this would happen. We have a toaster, microwave and fridge, cupboards, k-cup machine etc.

    I should let this topic die since it's way more common than I thought to prep/eat on the job. But when I worked in the aforementioned social services office where everyone was banned from prepping and eating breakfast at work, we had all of the above plus a restaurant kitchen (two huge refrigerators, six burner stove & oven, dishwasher, etc)! Maybe that was part of the We had that for clients to relearn cooking techniques after a brain injury or recent amputation, and for large community dinners and such. But case workers were using it to cook up eggs & bacon at 8:30am

    I'm confused, first you said no one cooked breakfast at work, then you said case workers were cooking bacon and eggs. Just asking..
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think I am just confused somewhat because I work in a really laid back environment and no one cooks/eats breakfast at work...but in the past I worked mostly in more corporate, stuffy offices and there was NO WAY anyone was going to do that. What if your boss walked in? Or a customer/client (if you served clients)?

    I do understand a boiled egg or a granola bar...but actually prepping and cooking AT work?
    I work in IT and most of us eat at our desks. We don't interact with people except when we leave to go to them 99% of the time. Pretty much always been like that on my IT jobs. Just to give you an idea of an office job where this would happen. We have a toaster, microwave and fridge, cupboards, k-cup machine etc.

    I should let this topic die since it's way more common than I thought to prep/eat on the job. But when I worked in the aforementioned social services office where everyone was banned from prepping and eating breakfast at work, we had all of the above plus a restaurant kitchen (two huge refrigerators, six burner stove & oven, dishwasher, etc)! Maybe that was part of the We had that for clients to relearn cooking techniques after a brain injury or recent amputation, and for large community dinners and such. But case workers were using it to cook up eggs & bacon at 8:30am

    I'm confused, first you said no one cooked breakfast at work, then you said case workers were cooking bacon and eggs. Just asking..

    Don't be confused. I mentioned at a former job they were cooking and got into trouble. You might look back at an earlier post. If you really care that much - which I doubt.

    At my current job no one cooks or eats here EVER. In fact I am the only one who consumes anything in this office aside from soda and coffee. Usually tea and a Clif Z bar if I'm hungry on a random afternoon.