activity level, am I doing it right?


I know this may be an annoying question and it's not rocket science. I just wanted advice or other opinions on if I'm doing it correctly or what worked for them.

I'm 29, 5'7" and 148lbs, trying to lose 15-18lbs. I am a mother to 2 young children and chasing th around and carrying them quite a bit. I walk 4 km for work 5 days a week and work as an esthetician, so I am running around, on my feet a lot, if I'm sitting I'm usually holding their legs, doing massages etc. I also do Insanity 6 days a week. So what I have been doing is set my activity to lightly active and only log my workouts with Insanity.
I have lost 10 lbs in the past 4 weeks (158 to 148) which is awesome, but want to make sure I'm not creating too big of a deficit, as I know it will help when I get to the final pounds.
I'm just looking for other opinions, not a definitive answer.
Thank you :)

Just want to add, I know 10 lbs seems like a LOT in 4 weeks. I was eating extremely crappy before (McDonald's, chicken wings late at nighy eating out every lunch at work) and bottles of wine, no water. So I know a lot was water weight so far, since I'm eating 90% clean now and drinking ton of water.