
Hi all....I feel as though I'm on my last leg, literally. I have about 180 lbs to lose., a unimaginable number. While I have the support of my husband for the most part, I really need someone to remind why I'm doing this. How much I will enjoy life more by being healthy and that this journey will be a success if I keep at it. I've read so much on weight loss and success stories and wish I can have my own story but I don't have the motivation. I work 2 jobs, 7 days a week and am tired. But I know I'm not tired from working but from this weight that is slowly killing me. I guess the first step was signing to keep going.


  • Kaliemp
    Kaliemp Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I understand what it's like. I do not have as much as you to lose but I want to lose about 120 total. That's still alot! I'm 40 lbs down and never felt better! I have learned that it takes lots of planning to make sure you do not eat something that you aren't supposed to!! I am a simple person as well so eating the same thing for breakfast and/or lunch everyday doesn't really bother me.

    On Sunday i make sure to boil enough eggs for the entire week plus cook 1 pound of lean turkey sausage in 1.5oz patties. (weighing your food is a MUST!!!) then every day i just grab an egg and a sausage patty and eat a piece of fruit whether it's an apple, banana, pear, etc.. it doesn't really matter!!

    Also on Sundays i cook a pound of lean ground turkey either in patties or crumbles. That way i can have bun free hamburger (use leaf lettuce to wrap the patty and stuff with tomatoes and cheese) or a salad with ground turkey or baked cabbage (my favorite) with turkey.

    I also make whole servings of other veggies as well. Broccoli & cheese, brussels sprouts, green beans, grilled squash & zuccini. Whatever you like. That way when i have dinner at night i can cook the meat (always extra lean and antibiotic free if possible) and cook sides for my family, but i will always have my healthy sides i can microwave and have with dinner.

    For snacks i eat fruit, almonds, Kind granola bars. I try to keep enough stuff in my desk drawer at work so i'm not tempted by whatever may be on the break room table!!!

    Also, even if it's jumping jacks in your living room, you need to make time for excersise. At first it's hard (very hard for me) i got tired and irritable and didn't want to do it, but, you have to make yourself. After the weight starts coming off it gets easier and more fun. I used to just walk in place while watching tv. it was the only thing i could do without feeling like i was going to have a heart attach!!!

    i know this post was long, but at the same time i know where you are coming from and maybe a little insite to what i have to do will help you figure out what is best for you. Please friend me if you would like. I'd be glad to be your friend along the way.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Hey there! Motivation is a key thing, but sometimes it doesn't come first. However, the fact that you recognize the need to make changes and have the desire to do so, is a good first step. Having a lot of weight to lose can feel overwhelming, so instead of looking at the long-term ultimate goal, set yourself a smaller, more manageable goal to start, and set your ticker to that.

    Secondly, start small. Make one change- whether it's eating a salad every day instead of something less healthy; stop drinking soda (if you do!) and replace it with water and tea; do 10 minutes of excercise each day, if you don't already do something. Just pick one healthy change, whatever it might be, and focus on making that change a permanent one. Sometimes a complete overhaul is overwhelming and doesn't stick.

    Third, remember this is a marathon, and you're in this for the long haul. You're going to trip up, so don't beat yourself up over it when you do. Just get back on the horse and try again!

    I am by no means where I want to be, and I am struggling with my own personal food battles; but I'm learning a lot and am willing to pass along whatever little nuggets of knowledge and insight I've come across.

    Feel free to add me if you like! :flowerforyou:
  • salirce
    salirce Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for all the information. It really is a big help. I don't usually get bored eating the same foods but exercising is another issue. One issue I do have is eating in the evening. At work I'm so busy and self conscious that I don't eat that much but when I get home, I eat everything I couldn't during the day. Again thanks for the tips, I will definitely be using them.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Don't think 180 pounds. Start with a small (but siginificant) goal. It makes it so much easier. I'm now on my third small goal. I started with 60 pounds, then 20 and now my goal is another 15.
  • salirce
    salirce Posts: 6 Member
    I guess I'm too focused on that number that I feel discouraged. I never thought to work on small goals, great idea. Thanks.