What are you proud of?



  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    My four year old told me that I looked smaller this week!!
  • 1daylate1dollarshort
    I've been eating way more healthy foods to replace all the crap I ate before. I never went this long with so many fruits and veggies! I didn't think I could do that, not even for 19 days, hahaha. Also- I kinda LIKE it and rarely crave all the junk I used to eat.

    Exercising until I'm dripping sweat and being consistent with it for the past month.

    It's early on, but I'm pretty proud of those things at this point! I want to have a different lifestyle this time. Not a quick diet to look good for "_____."

    My mindset is pretty good this time!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Now that I read the question, nothing.
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    dawn: excellent! i used jane fonda's pregnancy workout book (years ago) and did yoga daily. it helps come delivery time...and in general.
    i'm back doing yoga now. that baby is 27 years old...time to take care of 'me' again!!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Yesterday I logged 22K steps in one day with Fitbit for the first time EVER. OMG my feet hurt, lol!
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    I stopped smoking 10 days ago! And I attended all 3 of my Spin classes this week...I usually skip one! :drinker:
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    Kind of silly, but a couple of months ago I struggled lifting up and carrying around my 5 year old son - he's about 40 pounds. His dad always lifts him up and gives him hugs and they play actively like that. Now I can lift him up over my head - a few times lol - thanks to strength training and daily exercise :) I can also sprint up stairs now and not want to die so - yeah it's the little things
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    I'm proud that even though I don't have people in my life who want to work out with me, that I still go to the gym and swing kettlebells like it's my job (I love my friends and family but it gets frustrating continually asking if they want to go with me so I've stopped and now I like going by myself bc I don't have to worry about anyone else's pace but my own)

    Except my sister- she's ALWAYS down to do something like play tennis or go rollerblading but she lives 2 hours outside of town so those days are far and few depending on the season.
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    Agree with the ME time, you earned it! Good health to you!
  • flow2512
    flow2512 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm proud of myself as now I walk 8 mile a day on my treadmill, and when I started it was hard to do the 5 mile a day that I was told to do. Now I can do the five mile while reading mfp on iPad - it passes the time so quickly.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    Finally got deadlift to 225x5 It's still lagging behind my other lifts but that was solid progress. 2 plates man. Feels good.

    Also got Overhead Press to 105x5, 3 sets across.
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    A couple weeks ago I had to run to catch my train, sprinting from the carpark across the platform, down the staircase and into the train, and I didn't even break a sweat. I know how small it may sound, but last time I had to run for the train my face went pink, I got all sweaty and the whole hard-to-control puffed breathing-thing was going on. Its embarrassing on a packed train! Anyway, it was a good moment, because it means the month of cardio and strength training is doing something. :smile:
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    I managed to Leg press 180lbs today, for 2 sets of 10! :bigsmile:
  • sjbtiger
    sjbtiger Posts: 105 Member
    I was traveling with my husband and kids this weekend and actually made time to workout in the hotel fitness room! It finally feels like I've really prioritized my health, and I'm very proud of myself!
  • cweaver1981
    cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
    I have recently started running and can run a mile and half without walking. Doesn't sound like much to most people, but it is to me.

    Also...I rarely eat at restaurants, but when I do I love to order dessert. No dessert for me. Haven't ordered a dessert in quite a while.
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    I rarely ever go out to eat anymore and I stopped binge drinking as well! I have finally got into the habit of bringing my own lunches to work and making dinner at night. And I can't remember the last time I had more than one alcoholic drink a night! Yay! This is a huge step for me.
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Yesterday, me and fiance went to the park. He stayed with our son to feed the ducks and I went for 4 rounds of jog around the lake. I was happy with my accomplishment.

    When we got home, I said out loud "I work hard for this." and fiance replied "I encourage you to continue".
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