Buying clothes in your goal size.

I've recently started my weight loss journey (7 days in, really recent lol!) and I was wondering if anyone uses clothes in smaller sizes to help motivate them to loose weight?

The full story
I started my weightloss journey last week and am already seeing improvements and this is motivating me to keep going. I go on holiday in February 2015 with my best friend on a girly sun holiday for a week. My ultimate goal is obviously to be healthy, but I want to be able to wear shorts and a t shirt, and a one piece on the beach without feeling massive!! I am currently a size 18 allover. Yesterday I got a bit overexcited and treated myself to a skirt in a size 12 as it was in the sale. I emptied an old suitcase and told myself I will buy myself something for my smaller holiday self every time I reach a goal/milestone. I just want to get others ideas in this, has anyone done this and it's proved successfull?
Also my nanny is a dressmaker so if the clothes don't look right on my smaller frame she can do wonders with scissors and a sewing machine!!

Thank you to anyone who takes time to read this and answer.

Loosing inches xox

SW 01/03/14 250lbs
CW 21/03/14 238lb
GW#1 30/01/15 happy in a one piece
UGW ? 140lb


  • raegrove
    raegrove Posts: 37 Member
    I've recently started my weight loss journey (7 days in, really recent lol!) and I was wondering if anyone uses clothes in smaller sizes to help motivate them to loose weight?

    The full story
    I started my weightloss journey last week and am already seeing improvements and this is motivating me to keep going. I go on holiday in February 2015 with my best friend on a girly sun holiday for a week. My ultimate goal is obviously to be healthy, but I want to be able to wear shorts and a t shirt, and a one piece on the beach without feeling massive!! I am currently a size 18 allover. Yesterday I got a bit overexcited and treated myself to a skirt in a size 12 as it was in the sale. I emptied an old suitcase and told myself I will buy myself something for my smaller holiday self every time I reach a goal/milestone. I just want to get others ideas in this, has anyone done this and it's proved successfull?
    Also my nanny is a dressmaker so if the clothes don't look right on my smaller frame she can do wonders with scissors and a sewing machine!!

    Thank you to anyone who takes time to read this and answer.

    Loosing inches xox

    I did! I bought a pair of gap jeans on sale in my goal size a little over 2 years ago. Then I got pregnant. Had my little girl last April and then set to work on me mid June. the pants fit by August! and I just so happen to be wearing them now:)
    I see nothing wrong with buying something as a reminder of your ultimate goal.
  • melr01
    melr01 Posts: 70 Member
    I haven't bought anything in the size I want to be (8 or 10) but I have bought clothes that are too small for me. Typically I try on the size that fits me now and then buy it 1 or 2 sizes smaller so I know that when I get to that size it will look okay on me (with maybe a few adjustments). Every so often I will try things on to see if I am there yet. It is a great feeling when it finally does. I like the idea though of buying something in my goal size. I think I might try that. :)
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    I think it's motivating to buy clothes in a size slightly smaller than you are now. I did this while losing weight, got them at the thrift store. I don't think it's a good idea to buy clothes in your goal size. I wouldn't have found it very motivating to look at a size 6 when I wore a size 22. The goal size jeans you buy now may never fit due to style/cut. I have size 4's that fit perfectly and size 10's that are snug.
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Yup. And just like that commercial for the yogurt, I hung it up where I would see it every day. Reminded me when I didn't feel like going to the gym or felt like eating mac and cheese that there was a reason I was doing all this. To feel better, to fit into a size I wanted to be in. To find me again.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I will sometimes buy something in a smaller size if: 1. I already own the same style in my current size, or 2. If I'm really close to going down a size, so I have a back up.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I have clothes from when I was my goal size... But buying them right now? Nah! I'm too far away from my goal right now.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I bought a Dexter shirt when I was skinny with little muscle. It was good to try on once in a while and see it fill out.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I will sometimes buy something in a smaller size if: 1. I already own the same style in my current size, or 2. If I'm really close to going down a size, so I have a back up.

    I learned my lesson. Now I do this too.

    Huge summer clearance sale, so I bought a bunch of shorts and capris on sale that I thought I'd be wearing this summer.
    Can't even keep them up with a belt.
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I have bought a few things in the next size smaller, but not at "goal" since I do not have a deadline for "goal" and since I have so much to lose, my goals might change. I started this in a tight 18, all my clothes are very loose, some pants are swimming on me, but I really do not want to buy smaller clothes until I am down 2 sizes, more like a 14.
    I am starting to gather some of my suits and work clothes to bring to a thrift store and then hopefully find better fitting clothes. And oh yeah, I have a box in a closet that has some great dresses and jeans in sizes 12-14 that I can't wait to break out!

    BTW, congrats on getting started and the great progress you have already made.
  • When I was a big girl, I bought a pair of shorts that were size 12 (uk) I got home and tried to put them on, and they wouldn't even go halfway up my thighs. I was in complete denial , thought wtf these can't be size 12. I was actually around a size 16 at that time XD they were really cute shorts so I kept them anyway gathering dust and in the hope I might fit into them one day, about 8-9 months in to losing weight I thought I'd try them on and they just about fit ! XD I was so happy and it made me realise how far I had come. Now the shorts are too big and I just bought some size 10s :) Can't wait for summer. I think smaller clothes are definitley good motivation!
    One day I'll be a happy size 8 because I won't give up :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I haven't...only because I have an entire closet full of size 6 jeans/dresses/etc waiting for me to lose this weight already!!
  • Miss_TeaPot
    Miss_TeaPot Posts: 55 Member
    I did the same. Bought a size 12 dress(during my first go around of getting in shape) when I lost 50 pounds I was able to put it on (just couldn't zip lol) It helped me....I know I will wear the dress one day.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    To be honest, I have a bit of a hoarding tendency and still have all of my clothes from when I was thin about 6 years ago. People have told me to get rid of them but I just couldn't do it. The good thing is when I get to my goal weight, I will practically have a brand new wardrobe waiting for me!
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I have clothes in smaller sizes that I want to wear but I can't say I have come up with a goal weight, it's more a look and comfort level for me. Strange? Possibly!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I will sometimes buy something in a smaller size if: 1. I already own the same style in my current size, or 2. If I'm really close to going down a size, so I have a back up.

    I learned my lesson. Now I do this too.

    Huge summer clearance sale, so I bought a bunch of shorts and capris on sale that I thought I'd be wearing this summer.
    Can't even keep them up with a belt.

    I've also had this experience. Bought a shirt I thought was cute but was a little snug. It was a 3/4 sleeve t-shirt type top so had to wait a while for it to be seasonal anyway. By the time I got to try it on again, it was too big and fit kind of weird. I still wore it because my wardrobe is limited but only when I absolutely had to. Thankfully it was a thrift store buy so no big loss.

    OP you have a backup plan with that wonderful Nanny who can do alternations so I think it'll work out ok. :)
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    All. The. Time!
    I just did that the other day, bought a maxi skirt and a mini skirt as motivation!
    I usually don't by anything TOO small, maybe just a size smaller in jeans or a skirt so that I can keep trying them on to see if how much better it fits. Eventually I don't check the scale and I can tell how much I lost by the clothes I can fit into.

    I will say though that buying smaller clothes alone in itself isn't the biggest motivator. I've gained and lost and gained and lost so many times and still have a closet of smaller clothes that I hope to fit in eventually.
    However, I will say that when you lose weight, THROW ALL THE LARGER CLOTHES AWAY!!! And get rid of the stretchy stuff that lies lol. I do that, so for me once clothes get tighter its a do or die: I have to lose weight or I'll literally have no clothes to fit in :)
  • I don't do this only because I'm living just above the poverty line, but I do have a couple goal outfits in mind that keep me motivated. I have never worn a cute summer dress or bikini, and every time I visualize how great I would feel in one of these items, it keeps me running on that treadmill or doing those crunches. So they will be my rewards when I lose the weight!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I don't buy "goal" sized clothes because frankly I don't even know what size that will be. I do, however, buy clothes one size smaller, because I know I'll be dropping into them at some point. Could be a few weeks or a few months, but I want to make sure I have at least 1 pair of pants that fits correctly.
  • I've been keeping clothes that I couldn't bear to get rid of for years. So I had a pile of size 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 waiting (or making me feel guilty) for YEARS. I had gotten to a size 18 and could only fit in one pair of stretch pants despite what looked like piles of clothes in my closet! Anyway, now that I've lost 50 pounds, I've had to get rid of (donate) all the sizes over size 6. It is so freaky. I don't really care that the sizes are out of style. I remember trying on one pair of pants and couldn't even get them over my calves. I wore them to work yesterday. When I look at myself, I see the same fat person, but the clothes in different sizes really help me. Thank goodness for thrift shops, as I've been able to get smaller sizes and try different styles. One pair of jeans I've been holding onto for almost 10 years, now just don't fit right, although the size is ok. Our bodies change after ten years :-)
  • brandiegirl16
    brandiegirl16 Posts: 372 Member
    i actually did this before i hit my goal weight (60 lbs loss--- maintaining for 5 years). Ended up backfiring on me a bit. The idea of how i wanted it to fit wasn't the size/shape my body created once the weight was gone. I naturally have broad shoulders, doesn't always work in my favor for an ideal size.. have to try things on not just go by a tag size on tops. Same thing with jeans.. i will never be one who is comfortable in "skinny" jeans... too tight in my calves because they are athletic and muscular now.... even cute boots if they go beyond the calf... not always ideal for my physique.

    Goals are great!!! having something physical in front of you to work towards fitting into.. is EXCELLENT motivation. My advice is not to go on any major spending sprees because of the reasons i listed above. All body types are different and take the weight off differently. This was just one girls experience.

    Best of luck in your journey!!