Teen starting out

My weight problems began when puberty hit me very early (8), and through time very hard as well. I steadily gained weight each year, until finally when I was fourteen or so I started to retain the same weight range (170-180). I think the biggest problem with my losing weight is the fact it's very hard for me to exercise. Don't get me wrong: I love to, but I don't like fainting or having convulsions due to it.

I have severe heat rash that crops up whenever I sweat and get too hot, and I also have a mild case of asthma. My heat rash has begun to get worse as well, I've had it since the onset of puberty and recently it has begun to effect my vision so it becomes blurry when I become too dizzy and when I really break out caused me to feel the muscles around my spine reacting. It's also a big emotional blocker because I watch other people and really wish I could run without ending up having to end take allergy medication that makes me drowsy afterward because I broke out so badly the skin around my wrist where I had a hair tie has risen an inch or that I could bike more than a mile without ending up on the side of a ditch depositing my previous meal.

I don't mean to sound like I'm whining, it's just frustrating. So recently I've decided with the on set of spring I'm really going to try and eat healthier and participate in mild physical activities that won't cause horrible side effects. So I decided to join MFP.

I'm not even worried about the number on the scale (Okay, I am slightly) I just don't want to feel as if I should be ashamed anymore. Losing even five pounds makes me happy, so I hope through becoming healthier and getting to my goal weight (really I'd be happy to be between 145-150 even).

A problem I have is I don't even eat as many calories as I'm supposed to or breakfast often (not intentionally). Recently I've been diagnosed with dyslipidemia (which I don't think was mainly to do with my diet, I have really bad genetics that not only carry over physically but in other areas). I've also known I have a vitamin D deficiency and been taking 2000mg for over a year. Luckily I don't have any other problems that run in my family (I have really good insulin/blood sugar and pressure levels).

I'm really hoping that with spring starting today I can make a new start on my life, with a new diet and some exercise (luckily I live near a nature trail)!


  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    It's humbling to see how much trouble life throws at you yet you keep on going! The power of will is amazing.

    And weight loss changes the body in many ways. This is the first spring in 5 years I don't have my allergic reactions to whatever the heck was flying in the air and that's just 11 kilos..

    Keep your spirits up, change will come! ^_^